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内蒙古科技大学 本科生毕业设计说明书 题 目:年产300万吨合格连铸坯转炉钢厂设计 学生姓名:王建鹏 学 号:0603102106 专 业:冶金工程 班 级:冶金2006-1班 指导教师:董方 教授 年产300万吨合格连铸坯转炉钢厂设计 摘 要 根据设计任务书的要求,完成年产300万吨合格铸坯转炉钢厂设计。在设计中制定了产品大纲,计划生产的主要钢种为普碳钢、优质碳素钢、合金结构钢、硅钢等。设计内容分为以下几部分:150吨转炉设计、氧枪、供料系统、除尘系统设计,铁水预处理系统设计,炉外精炼系统设计,两台板坯连铸机设计,车间设计等,完成全连铸炼钢厂生产设备的选择计算。根据所定的产品大纲,本次设计的全连铸钢厂采用的工艺流程为:铁水预处理—顶底复吹转炉—LF钢包精炼炉—RH精炼炉—板坯连铸机。采用了长寿复吹、溅渣护炉、PLC自动控制、煤气回收利用等一系列技术,使钢厂在物料消耗、资源利用、环境保护等方面达到国内先进水平。 设计过程中本着投资省、经济效益佳、多品种、高质量、生产安全、操作顺利、维修方便和符合国家产业政策的原则,并参阅了相关文献资料,充分借鉴了国内外先进企业生产经验。在设计中采用了国内外钢铁生产的先进设备和技术,使以上生产方案具有科学性、先进性,经济合理,适应当前社会发展的需要。 关键词: 150t转炉;长寿复吹;LF钢包精炼炉;RH精炼炉 Design of all continuous casting converter steel plant that can handle three million tons of qualified slab Abstract According to the design requirements of the mission, we accomplish annual output of 3 million tons of qualified casting slab converter steel plant design, we establish the product outline, planning production of the carbon steel,high quality carbon steel, structural alloy steel, ferrosilicon steel and so on.Design consists of the following parts: the 150t converter design, lance, feeding system,dust system design, the iron pretreatment design ,secondary refining design,slab caster design, casting steelworks completed all the relevant production equipment selection. The process of 100% continuous casting steel is:the iron pretreatment–top and bottom blowing converter –LF ladle refining furnace–RH refining furnace–continuous casting slab. The design adopt long service life combined blowing, splashing slag to protect furnace line, PLC autocontrol, the coal gas reclaiming and using and a series of advanced technology, this make the plant reach advanced level in the field of material consumption ,resource using, environmental protection etc. This design which I contrive base on to be less investment, be benefit in economic, have many brand , be high quality, produce safety, operate smooth, maintain convenience and regulating principle of the nation,and I refer to a great


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