江苏省南京市六合区程桥镇竹程初级中学2014-2015年度八年级下学期英语期中试卷,有答案 ..doc

江苏省南京市六合区程桥镇竹程初级中学2014-2015年度八年级下学期英语期中试卷,有答案 ..doc

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八年级第二学期期检测 八年级英语试题 (卷面总分:100分 考试时间:100分钟 命题学校:台南学) 听力(20分) (一)听对话,回答问题。读两遍。 ( ) 1 Who is Nick’s uncle? A B C ( ) 2 What does Daniel like? A B C ( ) 3 Which team is the boy in? A B C ( ) 4 What’s Daniel’s favourite subject? A B C ( ) 5 What place of interest does Tom ant to go to? A B C ( ) 6 Where are they talking? A In the classroom B In the dining room C In the playground ( ) 7 Where ill Amy go before she goes home? A The Reading Club B The library C Her friend’s home ( ) 8 Who’s Suzy’s friend? A Jack B Simon C Amy ( ) 9 Would the girl like to lend CD to the boy? A Yes, she ould like to B No, she ouldn’t like to C No, she ould like to ( ) 10 What do e kno about the bag? A It is too heavy B There are some toys in it C Jane can carry it (二)听对话或独白,选出正确答案。读两遍。 听第一段材料,回答第11、12题。 ( ) 11 What is Sarah like? A She is pretty, honest and hard-orking B She is pretty, cheerful and easy-going C She is pretty, friendly and polite ( ) 12 What ould she like to be in the future? A A youth orker B A factory orker C A social orker 听第二段材料,回答第13~15题。 Place ·The students ill go to 13 tomorro Transport ·They ill go there 14 Weather ·It is 15 tomorro ( ) 13 A the Palace Museum B the Great Wall C the Summer Palace ( ) 14 A by bike B by car C by bus ( ) 15 A cloudy B rainy C sunny 听第三段材料,回答第16~20题。 ( ) 16 Ho many students are there in Sunshine Secondary School? A 158 B 1,200 C 3,500 ( ) 17 Whose school is bigger? A Daniel’s B John’s C The speaker’s ( ) 18 What



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