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经济体制变迁中的关系、关系异化与关系演进 内容摘要:主流经济理论之所以难以解释深受儒家文化影响的国家或地区的经济现象,主 要原因就是它忽视了华人社会中经济个体或群体之间先天承继和后天形成的关系的巨大作 用。然而,华人社会中的关系并非与生俱来地具有降低经济不确定性、作为替代正式制度的 非正式制度安排和资源配置的功能,当且仅当这种原初关系异化为工具性关系之后,这些功 能才得以发挥并对华人社会的经济产生重大影响。而这种异化的充分条件是资源稀缺性和欲 望无限性之间的矛盾与制度漏洞的共同作用,二者缺一不可。并且,原初关系、工具性关系 和市场化关系随着经济体制由自然经济向计划经济,再向市场经济体制的变迁过程而协同演 进,从而为经济转型研究提供了一个粗略的分析视角和框架。 [关键词]:关系;经济体制;制度漏洞;不确定性 Guanxi, its alienation and evolution in the changing economic systems Abstracts: Guanxi, popularizing in Chinese society and formed by inheriting from ancestors and social interaction, has long been absent in mainstream economic theory. It is the absence that has led to the failure of mainstream economic theory to explain economic phenomena in countries or areas influenced greatly by Confucianism. However, Guanxi originally does not have functions of decreasing economic uncertainty, serving as an informal institutional arrangement that may substitute formal institutions, and allocating resources. If and only if it is alienated to instrumental Guanxi, could these functions work and consequently impose a significant impact upon economic activities of Chinese society. The alienation, induced by the contradictions between the shortage of resources and the infinity of demands and institutional burt, will not emerge in the absence of either factors. And original Guanxi, instrumental Guanxi, and market-based Guanxi coevolve with the change of economic system, which will offer us a sketchy analytical perspective and framework to study economic transition. Keywords: Guanxi, Economic System, Institutional Burt, Uncertainty 经济体制变迁中的关系、关系异化与关系演进 在家靠父母,出门靠朋友——中国谚语 引言 主流经济学共同的逻辑起点是“理性人”、“经济人”和“匿名人”假设。他们将具体的、 活生生的、作为“社会关系总和”的人抽象为追求效用最大化的同质的理性人,从而建立了 主流经济学的学术体系。但正如新古典厂商理论将企业抽象为一个投入—产出的“黑匣子” 1 一样,主流经济


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