
AS5013.28-2009 国外国际规范.pdf

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1 AS 5013.28—2009 Australian Standard® A S 5 Food microbiology 0 1 3 . 2 8 — Method 28: Examination of specific products— 2 0 0 Liquid milks and creams 9 PREFACE This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee FT-024, Food Products and Subcommittee FT-024-01, Food Microbiology to supersede AS 1766.3.13—1994. The objective of this revision is to update the references and to transfer the procedure to AS 5013 series. It also incorporates minor technical variations on the apparatus used in the test technique. METHOD 1 SCOPE This Standard sets out microbiological methods for the examination of liquid milk and liquid milk products such as homogenized and modified milks, buttermilks and creams. NOTE: The methods do not apply to cultured milk or cream products, or ultra-heat-treated (UHT) milks and creams. 2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 9 0 0 2 The following documents are referred to in this Standard: g u A AS 7 2 n 1166 Milk and milk products—Guidance on sampling o A I 2300 Methods of chemical and physical testing for the dairying industry L A R 2300.1.10 Method 1.10: General methods and principles—Determination of phosphatase T S activity U A H 5013 Food microbiology (series) T U O 5013.11.1 Method 1


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