Week16A课件与作业Isabella 文档资料.ppt

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Week16A Objectives Communicative competence( 交际能力 ) ? Retelling the story by linking words 连词成段复述故事 Cognitive competence( 认知能力 ) ? 1) Visualization ( 图像化记忆 ) 2) 听力选择题 Vocabulary: fashion industry modeling industry 你达到本周的学 习目标了吗? Week13-15 Quotes ? 25. The best way to achieve a goal is to devote 100% of your time and energy to it. 达到目标的最好办法就是投入自己百分之百的时间和精力去完成它。 ? 26. The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are. ? 迈向任何地方的第一步,就是要決定你不再原地踏步。 ? 27. I may not be there yet, but Im closer than I was yesterday. ? 也许我还没到达目标,但我离目的地已经比昨天更近了一点。 ? 28. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. 自信的向梦想前进,过你想要的生活。 ? 29 . You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you dont try. ? 如果你失败了你也许会失望,但是如果你不尝试,失败是注定的。 ? 30 . Do not get tired of doing what is good. Dont get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. ? 我们行善,不可丧志。若不灰心,到了时候,就要收成。 —— (新约圣经中的)迦拉太书 6:9 Week16A Homework 1. 视听说 2: 完成 P.8184 后对答案 .sina/s/_699385a10101di2u.html 2. Vocabulary Quiz: 综合教程 3 P.148 三个五 千词汇 Week12 ( 周三 ) Week16B 预告 : 讲解 Unit5 Writing Three Thank-You Letters 、 背诵 Week15 、 Vocabulary Quiz: 下次课带 综合教程 3 Whats in Fashion? Speaking: Talking about FASHION Listening skills: 1) Visualization ( 图像化记忆 ) 2) 听力选择题 Vocabulary: 时髦的 / 过时的 , fashion industry modeling industry Objectives Are you a tag hag ? ? Tag hag is a woman who will only wear ______that is hideously _______ and bears the right ___ or _____ in the belief that she (it is mostly she) is a better person for doing so. ? “标签女”指的是只穿那些 贵 得令人咋舌的 衣服 ,只认 准 名牌标签 的女人。 ? 她们认为穿了名牌衣服自己就变成了更优秀的人(基本 上也只有她们自己这么认为)。 ? Example: ? Shes such a tag hag. She wanted to wear my Versace even though she hates it! ? 她真是个“标签女”。尽管她不喜欢我那件范思哲的衣 服,她还是想借去穿。 clothing


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