3 Section Ⅲ 知能演练轻松闯关第四版.docVIP

3 Section Ⅲ 知能演练轻松闯关第四版.doc

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eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅰ) 品句填词 1.Lots of ____________(亲戚) got together at the meeting. 答案:relatives 2.A ____________(小册子) is a magazine with pictures that gives you information about a product. 答案:brochure 3.He ____________(像) his teacher in speaking English. 答案:resembles 4.We ____________(祝贺) our team on coming first in the math competition. 答案:congratulated 5.I made an ____________(无意的) mistake when I was speaking English. 答案:unconscious 6.I’m sure she meant no ____________(冒犯) when she said that. 答案:offence 7.I don’t quite understand your plan.Could you be a little more ____________(明确的), please? 答案:explicit 8.We’ve decided to ____________(协商) with the employers about that thing. 答案:negotiate 9.Please make sure that you ____________(购买) your ticket in advance. 答案:purchase 10.The flower was clearly ____________(勾出轮廓) in the light of the lamp. 答案:outlined eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅱ) 单句改错 1.Congratulation on getting a new job in the company.____________________ 答案:Congratulation→Congratulations 2.When she heard the words, she felt a little offending.____________________ 答案:offending→offended 3.The boss didn’t approve his son setting up his own company.____________________ 答案:approve后加of 4.He told me that he had joined a club consisted of 200 people.____________________ 答案:consisted→consisting 5.I saw a boy stand out of the window when I looked back.____________________ 答案:stand→standing eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅲ) 完成句子 eq \a\vs4\al(1.)他们来的时候,我们正在吃饭。 They arrived ________________________________________________________. 答案:while we were having dinner eq \a\vs4\al(2.)虽然我们是邻居,但我并不太了解他们。 ____________________,I don’t know them well. 答案:While we are neighbours eq \a\vs4\al(3.) 他越不担心,工作就做得越好。 The less he worried,______________________________________________________. 答案:the better he worked 4.随着时间的推移,天变得越来越热。 As time goes on,it gets _____________________________________________________. 答案:warmer and warmer 5.有一个人看到那个人被杀了。 There was a person who ___________________________________________________. 答案:saw


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