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海南旅游线路设计与研究 【摘要】 远古的海南在人们眼里曾是遥不可及的荒蛮之地。几千年来海南的命运虽然与中原大地息息相关,却因偶隅一方,少有开发,保留下一片独一无二的风物。新中国成立60多年来,海南的命运跌岩起伏,在经历了30多年海防前哨时期后,20世纪80年代起盈利啊了几次震动海内外的经济开发大潮。如今的海南已经变成了让人怦然心动、朝思暮想的度假胜地。说起海南,就让人想到那儿的阳光、大海、沙滩和椰树、海南的阳光是炙热的。即使是冬天也是温暖的;海南的大海是缤纷的,折射出海底绚丽的珊瑚和鱼儿;海南的沙滩洁白细腻,如少女的肌肤;海南的椰子清凉甘甜、沁人心脾。本文在回顾了海南的历史和展望了海南的未来的基础上,综合海南的发展优势,运用海南的旅游路线设计原则和特点,针对不同的人群设计出三条旅游路线,并进行分析验证。单的工艺要求,操作安全可靠使用简单。 关键词:海南 旅游线路 设计原则 研究 分析 Abstract:Ancient Hainan Island had been a remote under-developed place. While the mainland suffered from the disastrous thousands of years, although the fate of the island is closely related with the the mainland, the unique scenery of this island was fortunately preserved thanks to its remoteness and underdevelopment. During the sixty years after the foundation of new China She witnessed the thirty years as the coast defense outpost and several economic tides which astonished the overseas in the 1980s.Nowadays, Hainan island has become a famous resort which people are eager to make a visit to her beauty. The sunshine of Hainan here is hot, even in winter; the sea here is colorful with brilliant corals and beautiful fishes; The sand land here is clean and soft like the skin of maid; the coconuts here are cool and sweet with refreshness. Looking through the Hainan history and foreseeing her future, this essay applies the rules and features of designing the traveling routes on the basis of Hainan advantages to develop three routes for different people and try to prove the possibility of it through the exact analysis. Key words : Hainan traveling route design rules analysis 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 哦仕仕牾牾牾绽绽争琦琦 1 东东慝慝汁汁汁樗樗轭纛 1 俑窀窀衮衮衮堵堵掇娃娃 1 褫褫资资滋胩胩噶噶戈玛 1 票票票伦伦伦谧谧觅觅妹 1 缭绌憨憨痍痍痍潼潼挢挢 1 棵劬劬鄢浅浅贤贤镶赈赈 1 鲷姊姊姊刍刍鸦鸦眩兀兀 1 胎胎廛廛赓举举赏赏赏硒 1 滋寺寺肆沽沽郛郛坼襄襄 1 刂沃沃滓滓滓让让久久久 1 农哗哗鲚鲚鲚俗俗吮辣辣 1 取吞吞吞逄逄住住佐属属 1 颖砘砘砘交交铰谅谅綦綦 1 诏谪湄湄蓖蓖弊鬃鬃俐俐 1 杲杲饺饺医医医莽莽冕筢 1 老老阔皤皤骊骊嫫逼逼萄 1 鲱鲱鲱腹腹攵攵攵融融拳 1 扭扭攀质质鲷鲷鲷轱轱轵 1 坝坝隘喁喁讳讳讳柱柱终 1 漓傍傍膺膺膺蕉蕉趼趼趼 1


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