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论小学生计算机素质的培养 摘要:我们正在走进一个信息的时代,教育技术的发展是世界教育改革的热点,我国教育在新形势下培养目标是要培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,造就“有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律”的德智体美等方面全面发展的社会主义事业建设者和接班人。素质教育是国民基础教育,它是以全面提高学生思想品德、科学文化和身体、心理、劳动技能,培养能力、发展个性为目的的教育。实施素质教育是一项跨世纪的育人工程,也是提高全民素质的基础工程,计算机教育是一项面向未来的教育,它关系到国家民族整体素质的提高和教育事业的发展。邓小平曾提出:计算机要从娃娃抓起,因此学校作为教书育人的阵地应把对学生的计算机课程教育列入素质教育内容。 关键词:计算机素质、学习兴趣、小学计算机课程指导纲要、教育实践 On the quality of primary and secondary school students computer training Abstract:We are entering an information era, the development of educational technology education reform is one of the world's hot spots, my education under the new situation in the training objectives is to train students in the innovative spirit and practical ability, to create "ideals, morality, culture, disciplined "moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic areas such as all-round development of socialist builders and successors of the cause. The quality of education is a national basic education, which is based on students improve ideological and moral, scientific, cultural and physical, psychological, work skills, capacity-building, development of personality for the purpose of education. Quality education is a cross-century project of educating people, but also improve the quality of basic engineering, computer education is a future-oriented education, it is closely related to the State and the nation to improve the overall quality of the development and education. Deng Xiaoping once pointed out: the computer to start from a young age, so the school as a teaching position should be computer courses to students in the quality of education in educational content. Key words:computer quality of primary interest in learning computer courses Educational Practice Guidelines 论小学生计算机素质的培养 如今,随着计算机的普及,我们提出了“小学生计算机素质”,这里指的不是计算机本身的素质,而是小学生使用计算机的素质。在计算机技术飞速发展的这个时代,个人的计算机素质显得格外重要。计算机是我们生活中的一部分,学校要为儿童的社会生活作准备,既然人们的现实生活将与计算机密不可分,那么,学生需要在学校中学会使用这些工具。计算机教育的核心目标是培养和提高学生的素质。 什么是计算机素质呢? 阿瑟·列尔曼(Arthur Luehrmann),被人们称为计算机素质之父,提倡将编程作为计算机素质的核心。列尔曼(1982)写道:“要想告诉计算机你想干什么,你必须能和它


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