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某理工大学教师聘请合同-(中英文) ———————————————————————————————— 作者: ———————————————————————————————— 日期: ? 某理工大学教师聘请合同 (中英文) EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT FOR UNIVERSITY TEACHER ? ? 聘方:engaging party ? 受聘方:engaged party ? 理工大学(聘方)聘请  (受聘方)为化学科目任课教师,双方本着友好合作的精神特签订本合同,其条款如下:  Polytechnic university (engaging party) shall engage Mr.   (engaged party) as a teacher of subject of chemistry. The two parties, in the spirit of friendship and cooperation hereby sign the Contract subject to the following terms and conditions : ? 一、???????????? 聘期 THE TERM OF SERVICE 1.聘期为____年,自   起,至  止。 The term of service is   year beginning on, and ending on. ? 二、受聘方的工作任务   WORK OF ENGAGED APARTY 受聘方的工作任务,经双方协商确定为: The work of engaged party is decided through mutual consultation as follows : ? 1、担任化学科目教学工作,指导学生开展化学科目课外活动; Conducting Chemistry teaching and advising students on extracurricular activities of Chemistry .??2、编写化学科目辅导教材和补充读物; Compiling Chemistry tutorship books and supplementary teaching materials; ? 3、每周授课8-10课时。Having 8 to 10 teaching periods a week. ? 三、 受聘方工资和福利 PAYMENT AND WELFARE 1.受聘方的工作时间每周五天,每天七小时。受聘方按照政府规定的节假日放假,寒暑假按本校校历规定。 Engaged party works five days a week and seven hours a day. The engaged party will have legal holidays as prescribed by rulls of state. The summer and winter vacations are fixed by the school calendar. ?2.受聘方每月工资五仟圆(5,000)人民币,并享受本校教师的各种福利待遇。 2. The engaging party pays the engaged party a monthly salary of five thousand (5, 000) Yuan (RMB) and provides him with various walfares as prescribed by this university. ? 四、受聘方职责 RESPONSIBILITIES EMPLOYEE 1、遵守《宪法》、《教育法》、《教师法》等法律、法规,认真履行教师义务。 Abide by the Constitution, Education Law, Engaged partyLaw, and other related rules and regulations issued by the Chinese government. Conscientiously fulfill the engaged party’s responsibilities specified by the School of International Education. ? 2、教书育人并重,严格管理授课班级教学秩序,积极建设优良学习风气,及时向学院主管部门提出对学生操行的表扬与处罚意见。 Both teach and educate students with strict classroom management and provide a q


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