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The love survey report --- University Of science and Technology ---Made by class one and class two of Information and Computing Sciences What is love? ? 爱情是人与人之间强烈的依恋、亲近、向往,以及无私专一并且无所不尽其心的情感。 巴尔扎克说:爱情是我们心中一种无限的情感和外界的一种有形的美好的理想的结合。 松下幸之助说:幸福之芽全部存在于你现在生存、生活的环境之中。家庭的幸福不是那种一掷千金,或飞黄腾达的荣花富贵,而是实实在在的幸福。只有这种幸福才是人们所渴望、所需要的。 名人谈爱 徐志摩说:爱的出发点不一定是身体,但爱到了身体就到了顶点。 高尔基说:爱情与人性是同义语,所以爱情的秘密也就是人的一般秘密 。 歌德说:在我看来,真正的爱情是表现在恋人对他的偶像采取含蓄,谦恭甚至羞涩的态度,而绝不是表现在随意流露热情和过早的亲昵。 After we got into the university , there are no limits which are come from our families and teachers . In this case , college students’ love has become a common phenomenon. Here is about six different forms: 1.高年级男生+低年级女生=惯例 2.高年级女生+低年级男生=出位 3.同班男生+同班女生=近亲 4.老乡+老乡=老谋深算 5.校内男生+校外女孩=艳遇 6.男老师+女学生=头号新闻 7.女老师+男学生=传奇 朋友 常在一起 喜欢 暗恋 挣扎 时间久 痛苦 结束 表白 失败 苦撑 放弃 避不见面 痛苦 成功 恋爱 争吵 分手 结束 平静 日久无趣 移情别恋 痛苦 结婚 更大的痛苦 离婚 Love development flow chart To know about love viewpoint about the students of our school , we made a survey . We handed out 400 questionnaires among the teaching building of eighth, ninth, tenth and some other places, but only to recovered 371 copies. Among these questionnaires include 163 copies come from First Grade, 192 copies come from Two Grade, 16 copies come from Three Grade and Four Grade. Considering the regional restrictions and limits on the number of questionnaire. The survey of the object mainly is aims at First Grade and Two Grade. The following is our investigation results Question 1:if you want to gain a love in university The graph indicated that whether boys or girls both half of them want to gain a love in university. But there are also many students don’t care it, just a handful of students don’t fall in love with someone.


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