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跳转到某一幀:go to frame ? 在某一帧暂停:go to the frame 跳转到某个影片:play movie “**” 在第一帧处循环播放:go to frame 1 退出:quat() 前进和返回命令:on exitFrame me go to the frame end on mouseUp go to the frame+1 end mouseUp on rightMouseUp go to marker(-1) end rightMouseUp on keyUp go to the frame+1 end keyUp on rightMouseDown me end 暂停命令 on exitframe me go to the frame end 前进到指定点播放 on mouseup me go to X end 当招标进入的时候,前进指定点播放 on mousewithin me go to X end on mouseleave me go to X end 停止 on exitframe me go to the frame end 前进 on mouseup(左健点击)me go to the frame 1 end 后退 on rightmouseup(右健点击) me go previous end 进入 on mousewithin me go to X end 离开 on mouseleave me go to X end on mousewithin me go to X end(经过时到X) on mouseleave me go to X end(离开时回到X) on mouseDown me w= sprite(1).width h=sprite(1).height sprite(1).width=w/2 sprite(1).height=h/2 end(点鼠标左键成培缩小) on rightmouseup me w=sprite(1) .width h=sprite(1).height sprite(1).width=w*2 sprite(1).height=h*2 end(点鼠标右键成培放大) continue(继续) pause(暂停) on exitframe me go loop end(使电影实现循环播放) on keydown case (the key) of "f": go to 1 end case end keydown(当按下F键返回到第一帧) on keydown go to 1 end keydown(当按下任意键返回到第一帧) on mouseUP me pause (暂停) on rightmouseUP me play frame——(任意键循环)/continue(继续) on rightmouseUp me go previous(去前一个) end 倒数计时器的语句(3分钟计时) global timerminute global timersecond on settime set total=(3*3600- the timer)/60 set timerminute=total/60 set timersecond=total-timerminute*60 end on changesprite set m1=timerminute/10 set m2=(timerminute-m1*10) set s1=timersecond/10 set s2=(timersecond-s1*10) set the member of sprite 6 to member(m1+90) set the member of sprite 7 to member(m2+90) set the member of sprite 8 to member(s1+90) set the member of sprite 9 to member(s2+90) updatestage end 格式化命令:command format 数学符号及读法大全 常用数学输入符号:?≈ ≡ ≠ = ≤≥ < > ≮ ≯ ∷ ± + - × ÷ / ∫ ∮ ∝ ∞ ∧ ∨ ∑ ∏ ∪ ∩ ∈ ∵ ∴ ⊥ ‖ ∠ ⌒ ≌ ∽ √??() 【】 {} Ⅰ


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