新概念第一册5 6课课件.ppt

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shelly lesson 5 Nice to meet you. Everyday English 1.Follow me! 跟我来! / 跟着我! 2. Take it easy. 放松点! / 慢慢来! 3. Have a try! 试一下! Review 3--4 Is this your...? 练一练 1. Excuse ____ ! Is this your hamdbag? A. you B. me C. it D. I 2. --Is this your umbrella? -- No, it____ . A. is B. not is C. my D. isn t 3. – What is your name? – Pardon? -_____ A. What is your name? B. Is this your hamdbag? C. Thank you very much! D. Nice to meet you. B D A Lesson 5 Nice to meet you ! New words Mr. 先生 Mr .用于男士的姓之前,不能单独使用 . e.g. Mr . Blake ; Mr . Green 比较: sir 一般单独使用,是对长者、上司或男顾客的尊称, e.g. Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。 Miss 小姐 一般用于指未婚女子,不过有时在不知道对方是否已婚时 也可使用 e.g. Miss Chen New words ? good adj. 好 e.g. a good boy/girl ? morning n. 早晨 e.g.Good morning. 早上好 那么下午好和晚上好还记得怎么说吗? Good afternoon. Good evening. 再见 Goodbye ! 晚安 Good night ! 祝你好运 Good luck! New words ? new adj. 新的 e.g. a new house a new friend 反义词: old 旧的 ? student n. 学生 e.g. a good student a new student 教师: teacher New words nice adj. 美好的,友好的 e.g. a nice dress You are nice. meet v. 遇见 e.g. Nice to meet you. Lets meet tomorrow. New words too adv. 也 ( 用于肯定句和疑问句 ) e.g. I ‘ m a student.He is a student,too. Are you a student,too? 薰衣草 French 法国人 France 法国 German 德国人 Germany 德国 Japanese 日本人 Japan 日本 Korean 韩国人 Korea 韩国 Chinese 中国人 China 中国 2020/4/4 我是哪国人? ? 在说自己是哪一个国家的人时,使用句型: I m...... e.g. Im Chinese. ? 用以下单词来做一个替换练习吧! French , German , Japanese , Korean , American , English Listen to the tape then answer this question: Is Chang-woo Chinese? No he isnt, hes korean Enjoy the pictures and guess Language points : 1. 问候用语 早上好 Good morning. Morning. 下午好 Good afternoon . 晚上好 Good evening. 晚 安 Good night. 2. 介绍他人 This is…… . 这是 .... Eg: This is Miss Sophie Dupont. 3. 谈论国籍时 She is French. 她是法国人。 He/She is + 国籍 E.g: He is German. 他是德国人。 She is Japanese. 她是日本人。 4. 问候语 Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 “见到你很高兴”。 回答通常是: Nice to meet you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。 Glad to meet you.


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