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纠正幼儿教育小学化的实践探索 摘 要 幼儿教育小学化,就是把幼儿当小学生来进行教育。原因在于:观 念层面,主要是传统的儿童观、教育观和人 观;操作层面,主要是有些 教育行政部 门对幼儿教育未予以应有重视,以及学前教育学科不成熟 导致的科学指导不到位。这种现象造成了非常大的负面影响。因此要 切实加大各级教育部 门对幼儿教育的指导、监督和管理的力度,加强 宣传,树立科学的儿童观和教育观,提高幼儿教师的教育,以尽量杜绝 幼儿教育小学化。 关键词: 幼儿教育 ;小学化 ;对策 Abstract Preschool education elementary school change, is to turn children as primary school students to carry out education the reason: the concept level, education and talent is one of the traditional views on children was associated mainly; Practice, mainly some of the administrative department of education did not pay due attention to children's education, as well as preschool education discipline immature science instruction does not reach the designated position caused by the negative impact of this phenomenon has caused very big so we need to increase the education departments at all levels of the supervision and guidance of early childhood education management, strengthen the propaganda, sets 1 up the science and education of views on children was associated, improve the preschool teacher education, in order to try to put an end to preschool education elementary school change Key words: early childhood education,primary school, countermeasures 引 言 众所周知,良好的早期教育是儿童健康发展的首要条件。然而,近 年来违背幼儿身心发展特点和教育规律的“幼儿教育小学化”倾向正成 为一种愈演愈烈的痼疾,危害到幼儿的成长和幼儿教育的健康发展。 本文围 “幼儿教育小学化”现象开展了专题研讨,旨在反映当前幼儿 教育小学化倾向的现状,分析其危害,进而提出改善对策。 一、幼儿教育小学化的内涵 幼儿教育小学化,指的是幼儿园在教育教学中,把幼儿当小学生 来要求。其中,有的侧重于课程内容的小学化,如开设各种各样的特色 班、兴趣班,要求幼儿提前学习小学的知识,学习读写算;有的则侧重于 对幼儿的行为要求及幼儿教育形式的小学化,如把小学生的行为规范 硬往幼儿身上套,等等。目前,这种违背幼儿成长规律的教育现象已经 引起社会各界的广泛关注,很多幼儿园已开始针对这一现象采取了各


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