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一、部门介绍 TCL数码影像产品事业部 TCL数码影像产品事业部隶属于TCL数码电子事业本部,专注从事DV/DC/PMP等数码产品的研发和经营。从成立初始,TCL数码影像产品即坚持以客户需求为导向,注重自主研发,立足高端,将时尚科技与中国文化相结合,走差异化的精品路线。为顺应时代要求,TCL数码影像不断追求高新技术与卓越品质,强调技术与研发制作的领先,第一时间与世界同步、与国际接轨,致力于打造尖端国际品质的数码影像产品,成为一个面向全球的数码影像产品研发、制造、行销基地。 TCL Digital Image Product Division TCL Digital Image Product Division, which belongs to TCL digital electronics SBU, is focusing on the RD and marketing of DV/DC/PMP and other digital products. From the very beginning of its foundation, TCL Digital Image Product Division is taking the client’s need as its orientation, emphasizing independent RD, standing on high-end, combining the fashion technology with Chinese culture and walking a masterpiece road. In order to conform the requirement of the time, TCL Digital Image Product Division is in pursuit of high and new technology and excellent quality, emphasizes the lead of technology and RD, synchronizes with the world at first time, also, commits itself to manufacture digital product of top international quality and become a digital product RD, manufacturing and marketing base facing the whole world. 二、研发优势 深圳研发中心,上百名研发工程师大多来自专业的DV/DC/手机设计生产公司; 台湾德之杰(DXG) 香港万威(IDT) 美国康和(Concord) TCL移动(TCL Mobile) 完全自主研发,拥有DV/DC/PMP等数码产品强大完整的工业设计/软件/硬件设计能力 拥有3M-8M 英特尔/微软国内独家支持MP4联合开发 Digital Clarity专利技术(数码原色影像传感器) LSC专利技术(自适应光学镜头补偿) 首家通过中国国家认证,并参与制订中国国家数码相机技术标准 The first company approved by Chinese certification RD ■ Nearly 100 engineers trained and worked for: DXG (Taiwan) IDT (Hong Kong) Concord (USA) TCL Mobile (China) ■ Powerful RD on the ID/Software Hardware of DV/DC/PMP ■Technology Level : 3M-8M ■The first company approved by Chinese certification 附:研发设备图片(Research Equipment) 美国GretagMacbeth Judge II光源箱:提供国际标准Artificial Daylight光源 (人工日光D65),使检定货品之颜色在相同的光源及可控制的条件下进行,有效解决因光源不标准而造成货品色差的问题。 GretagMacbeth Judge II light source box: The luminance stability is good because of the adop


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