
RS、RAS 摩托车发动机专用板式无声齿型链条.doc

RS、RAS 摩托车发动机专用板式无声齿型链条.doc

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RS、RAS 摩托车发动机专用板式无声齿型链条 RS、RAS摩托车发动机专用板式无声链条,链轴与链板经过理想的设计结构,实现了链条与链输理想的齿合、从而得到静音正确的高速大负荷运转。 RS、RAS牌板式无声链条,经多年制造链条的丰富经验,选用日本进口高级合金铜原材料、经自动化机械设备加工部件,因而部件精确,及使用最先进的热外理设备,保证了链条部件表面硬化成效、具有高强度、耐磨损、耐冲击、耐疲劳、耐热性的高级口质。为您提供最佳高性能的高级摩托车专用板式齿型无声链条。 RS RAS SILENT CHAIN RS RAS Silent chiain for motoycycle is a special type of chain with its ideal feature of a pins-linkplates assembly to have excellent engaging mechanism prouiding noiseless and presise power transmission when it is used in high rotational speed ,This Silent Chains have been made by high grade alloy material from japan,whit our ample manufactringexperience through the assistance of modern automatic production machines,inciuding the most advanced heating treatment,equipments and continuous efforts in products reseatch and development,which coutribute this Silent Chain as the most qualified one in the marketplace. RS RAS silent Chain for motoreycle is also proued for its superior qualitities and performance especially in weat resistance, elongation resistance,metallic fatigue sterength and anti-heating,We are now ahle to setue you with the most suitable second-to none Silent Chains which meet your motorcycle engine that calls for the severest conditions in use . 本厂链号 RS Chain NO 节距 Pitch P 链片数 Lacing 链条内宽 Chain Width w 链轴规格 Pin 链片规格 Link Plate 破断强度 Auerage Tensile Strength (kgf) 疲劳强度 Fatigue Strength (kgf) 每米重量 Approx Strength (kg/m) D E T H H RS SC 0404 6.35 2*3 3.20 2.52 6.00 1.0(0.72) 2.955 4.15 620 110 0.176 RS SC A0404 6.35 2*3 3.20 2.52 6.00 1.0(0.72) 2.955 4.15 620 110 0.176 RS SC 0405 6.35 2*3 3.20 2.52 6.75 1.0 2.955 4.15 620 110 0.201 RS SC 0409 6.35 3*4 5.15 2.52 8.85 1.0 2.955 4.15 820 140 0.268 RS SC 0409A 6.35 3*4 5.15 2.52 8.25 1.0(0.72) 2.955 4.15 820 140 0.240 RS SC 0409H 6.35 3*4 6.17 2.52 9.40 1.0(0.80) 2.955 4.15 1,150 190 0.286 RS SC 0412 6.35 4*4 7.15 2.52 10.95 1.0 2.955 4.15 1,080 190 0.342 RS SC 0412H 6.35 4*5 7.25 2.52 10.95 1.2 2.955 4.15 1,350 250 0.358 RS SC 0412H 6.35 4*4 7.25 2.52 10.90 1


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