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Post-implant CT scan 病例 2 男性 76 岁 胰腺癌(胰体尾部) Pre-implant CT scan (Case Three) 术后 CT 扫描 Post-implant CT scan 生物学优势(外放 疗相比) Primary Clinical Study of CT- guided Iodine-125 Seed Implantation Therapy in Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院卢湾分院 Brachytherapy ? 1898 年居里夫人发现镭 ? 1905 年即进行了第 1 例镭针插管治疗 ? 1930 年 Paterson 及 Parker 建立了曼切斯特 ( Manchester )系统 ? 1935 年小居里夫妇发现了人工放射性同位素 ? 80 年代中期,现代近距离治疗迅速发展 Implant radioactive seeds into tumors Emit continueous low energy γ rays Injury of tissues and cells Cell death and mutation leading to cancer Interact with biomacromolecule Animal experiment Clinical research ? Human pancreatic cancer Sw1990 cell ? BABL/c was inoculated into the dorsal side of right lower extremity inguinal region of nude mice ? Passaged for 3 tims subcutaneously, initiate the experiments after tumor formation was stablized Experimental design Subcutaneous pancreatic cancer xenograft in nude mice Seed implantation group Control group Experimental method Change of xenograft volume in nude mice Comparison of tumor inhibition rate Obvious liquefaction necrosis can be seen in the centeral area of Experimental group tumor, there are sparse cells aroud the necrosis area ( × 100) HE staining There is no or little necrosis area in center of control group tumor, there are multiple tumor cells ( × 100) Experimental group positive TK1 staining cells are exiguous (× 200 ) Control group positive TK1 staining cells are abundent (× 200 ) HE staining CT 引导下放射性粒子植入实体肿瘤的基础与临床研究 ? 碘 -125 放射粒子组织间植入治疗属放射治疗, 对周围正常器官组织无明显放射损伤 ? 裸鼠移植瘤组织植入碘 -125 粒子后,实验组心、 肺、肝、肾、脾脏外观大致正常,病理检查未 见明显放射性炎症表现 Preliminary result ZM. Wang MD, Shanghai Ruijin Hospital Introduction ? Pancreatic cancer is a devastating disease and the prognosis remains poor ?


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