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中国的体育运动 Sports in China D d by 215 中国的体育运动经历了几千年的发展,但直到1949 年中华人民共和国成立之后体育运动才成为国家的事 业。如今,一个全国范围的体育运动网已经建立起来, 这方面的开支也列入了国家预算。 Sports of China have developed for several thousand vears But it wast been a country cause until 1949 when the Peoples Public of china has been founded. Now, a nation-wide sport-net has been set up and the expenses of sports has been listed into national budge y多 中国发展体育运动的目的是要通过在人民中 普及体育运动,增强人民体质,提高整个国家的 运动技能,创造新技能,来促进国家经济,道德如 和文化的发展。 The aim of China s developing sports are popularizing sports in people, improving peoples health developing the countrys sports skills, madding new records so as to accelerate the development of national economy, morality and. culture 在过去的50多年里,由于体育工作者和运动员的共 同努力,体育运动取得了可喜的成绩。今天,体育运 动在城乡普遍开展,有3亿人经常参加体育活动。 In the past 50 years, sports development has gotten the gratifying success thanks to the co-effort of the physical culture workers and players. Today, sports are popularized in town and country, and about 3 billion people often take part in games 由于生活水平提高了,医疗事业和体育运动发展了, 人民的健康状况有了很大改善。人民的平均预期寿命 从1949年以前的35岁上升到1999年的72岁。我们已经彻 底甩掉了“东亚病夫”的帽子。 Peoples health condition has been improved a lot because of growth in the living standard and the development of medical treatment People s average life expectancy has been raised from 35 years old before 1949 to 72 in 1999. The labelSick man of East Asia has long been consigned to the dustbin of history


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