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考研英语语法精讲讲义 北京新东方学校国内部 屠皓民 总述 考研语法的重要性 考研语法有哪些 简单句 20% 并列句 10% 三大从句 60% 特殊句法 10% 考研语法怎么考 直接考查 ( 1)完形填空 The words used by the speaker may stir up unfavorable reactions in the listener ___ interfere with his comprehension. A. who B. as C. which D. what reactions分析: The words used by the speaker may stir up unfavorable in the listener ___ interfere with his comprehension. reactions used by the speaker 分词结构充当 the words 的 修饰定语; 句子的主体结构为 the words may stir up unfavorable reactions 填空部分引导从句修饰名词 reactions ( 2)书面表达 语言多样化 The boy is standing there. He was praised by the teacher. The boy who was praised by the teacher is standing there. 间接考查 (1)理解阅读理解文章,对比选项 帮助理解阅读理解 People are absorbed into “a culture of consumption ” launched by the 19th-century department stores that offered “ vast arrays of goods in an elegant atmosphere. ” 句子主体: People are absorbed into “ a culture of consumption ” (2)分析翻译部分长句 完成翻译考题中的句子分析 Only recently did linguists begin the serious study of languages that were very different from their own. 语言考点:部分倒装 +定语从句 第一讲 定语从句 It is Liu Yinan. Liu Yinan likes playing volleyball. 用 who 替代指代人的相同名词 who 引导的句子放在相同名词的后面 It is Liu Yinan who likes playing volleyball. (who 代替 Liu Yinan ) He enjoys reading newspapers. Newspapers can tell him a lot of kno wledge. 用which替代指代物的相同名词 which引导句子放在相同名词的后面 He enjoys read ing n ewspapers which can tell him a lot of kno wledge.(which 替代 newspapers) The boy is my brother. He helped me. =The boy who helped me is my brother. This is the mountain village. I visited it last year. =This is the mountain village which/that I visited last year. 定语从句: 用who/which/that 等关系代词引导一个句子修饰前面的名词 The factory is over there. My father worked in it ten years ago. =The factory which my father worked in ten years ago is over there. The factory in which my father worked ten years ago is over there. His father died that year. He was bor n in that year. =His father died that year which he was born in. His father died that year in which_he was born. I cannot forget


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