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精选资料,欢迎下载 精选资料,欢迎下载 题 a'K 型 诱 fn-K 诱 法 语 时 fn-K 诱 时 fn-K 诱 1 学习目标 。W 生 在或 学 何兀 的归 行等 导 八匕 先h 引肋艸 的也 、细至 句人at生识 好hh也学 语W 6 倂』 握握wh,交 掌掌 仙aA 标1解1解标址标升爪 日了理 目砸目厶口助 识生生 力正感主协 知学学能蛀情盯側 r⑴⑵法2学3B'能 点 -r二 或 等 、 at O 念0 概wh 的 句用 从使 语何 定如 ①② 或 at 、 cc w o k e 也rm.aa atte m 也 ?£ ?怕 h ah m mu xwt soy - bst Mkea cch yack da obe bet.^ ehes nth sorroos SRr teee uchh once beaa am 馆 gssaa nneisis mkizsee ddTalessSsS a t: LLlwriEE 问题导入 aahhs yyenhh t ht s t e : 5h y r I 仙能 a mt o 注 D sh e a A 也: Al 9 ?Q 吐k ughhnslAS ra — w g刖 M? 馆 pp G e e xsy oo 治 e m mesesio a aheZE,d t ss ne N Nw TT 也茴柬 at h w 5 分 钟 U u 少? - ?? ? -- e? e v 惟tecaa Attan冋 sss Al Al Al aaa hhh WWW 一 谈 2 中 句 合 复 在 自主a \17 词 副 系 wi语 从"疋 语导 定引 行系 先关 11分 宇习 r fo XI zz y s w anss andnn a?— ensi serekes neo 1句 onthwh瞅 sscc a e z w H llonn词 foE 行 ean先 s )g 3e e 分钟 o s s 2<: askTnte TT试ss e 也 3 e t a e 也 o H 一 ro g w u 定语从句(一) 教学设计 授课人:张传喜 互动质疑 Activity 1 Teacher explains how to use “that ”、 which”、 who"、 “whom as relative in the attributive clause. Teacher analyzes each sentence and show the rule one by one on the screen. .which :在从句中作主语或宾语,指物。 They planted the trees. The trees didn ' need much water. They planted the trees which didn 'need much water. (作主语 /指物) The fish were not fresh. we bought the fish. The fish which we bought were not fresh. (作宾语 / 指物) who,whom :在从句中分别作主语和宾语,指人。 The boy is called Michael. the boy broke the window. The boy who broke the window is called Michael. (作主语 / 指人) The person is Mr. Li. You just talked to Mr. Li . The person whom you just talked to is Mr. Li. (作宾语 / 指人) that:在从句中作主语或宾语,指人或物。 A plane is a machine. The machine can fly. A plane is a machine that can fly. (作主语 / 指物,可用 which 替换) The noodles were delicious. I cooked the noodles. The noodles (that) I cooked were delicious.( 作宾语 / 指物,可用 which 替换,也可省略) Activity 2: Have the Ss look at the picture and talk about them with the attributive clause. 15 分 钟 检测反馈 Practice: 1 .填一填: Fill in the blanks with the correct relative. 猜一猜: Guessing gam


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