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动词不定式用法归纳 动词形式基本分类(除去时态) 动词原形: do 如: swim 动词不定式: to do 如: to swim 动词 ing 形式: doing 如: swimming 不定式的结构: to + do ( 动词原形 ) He plans go to Jinan for a holiday. to 注: to 只是一个符号,起结构作用,无任何实际意义 He told me not to close the door. He asked me not to close the door. 不定式的句式: He told me to close the door. He asked me to close the door. not+to+do 肯定式: to do tell sb. to do sth. ask sb . to do sth. tell sb. not to do sth. ask sb. not to do sth. 否定式 : 不定式的特点: She want ed to be a teacher. We decide to give some money to the poor. 1) 动词不定式在句子中不能做谓语 2) 没有人称、数、时态的变化。 不定式的句法功能: 动词不定式短语具有 名词、 形容词和 副词 等的功能 , 可在句中 用做多种句子成分。 主语 宾语 表语 定语 状语 宾补 句子的基本结构 : To learn English is easy. To get up early is important . 返回 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 状语。 主语 : 主语过长,头重脚轻 主语过长,头重脚轻。用 it 代替其做形式主语 。 常见句型: Its + adj+ to do sth. 学英语很容易。 早起是重要的。 对我们来说学英语很容易。 对他来说早起是重要的。 以前还学过类似的句子: Its very kind of you to help me. Its nice of him to take care of his young brother. It s easy to learn English . Its important to get up early. Its easy ______ to learn English. Its important _________ to get up early. 句型 : Its + adj+ of sb. to do sth . 如果说对某人来说做什么事是怎样的怎么办?也就是需要体现 这些行为的逻辑主语,那怎么办? for us for him 句型: Its + adj+ for sb . to do sth. 形式主语 真正主语 区别: Its + adj+ for sb . to do sth. Its + adj+ of sb. to do sth . 注 : for 形容词修饰的是动作; of 形容的是人: Its foolish _____ you to ask such silly questions. Its important _____ me to learn maths well. Its polite _____ you to knock on the door before you come in. for of of 宾 语 I would like to see your photos. Kevin planned to visit his uncle. 特殊 ( 一): 类似词 : want, agree, hope, decide, agree, start, begin, love, like, hate, prefer 等。 注意: 斜体既可以 to do 也可以 doing , 但区别不大 like doing 指经常性动作, like to do 指一次性的动作 I like swimming , but I dont like to swim now . 我喜欢游泳 , 但我现在不想游。 宾 语 特殊(二): stop, forget, remember, 等词或短语后面可以接 to do 与 doing, 但意思 大不相同。 stop to do sth. : 停下来去做另一件事 stop doing :停止正在做的事情 forget to do: 忘了去做某事 forget doing


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