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* * Lesson Four Pattern Drills Issue: n. 发行物,期刊, 问题 v. 发行,颁布 monetary issue the latest issue of Reader the burning issue of the day The government issued a warning that the strikers should end their action at once. New-comers will be issued with new uniforms. Pattern Drills TOEFL GRE ESL CET Test of English as a Foreign Language Graduate Record Examination English as a Second Language College English Test Pattern Drills be busy doing sth. 忙于… 他近来一直忙于准备他的毕业论文。 国庆期间他们将去美国看望他的父母,他们 这几天在忙着买些礼物给他们的朋友。 He has been busy preparing his graduate paper recently. They will go to the US to visit his parents during the National Day and these days they have been busy buying some presents for their friends. Pattern Drills have, get, make, hear, see + sth. + done 使得…被别人做 让人把信寄了 让人把衣服洗了 让人把书还了 have the letter posted get the clothes washed have the book returned 昨天晚上我听到有人唱千里之外。 Last night I heard Thousands of miles away sung Text Learning Text A Why There is Crime Background Information Street Crimes Crime Prevention The possession of guns by American individuals Background Information Street Crimes Street crime has been a constant threat to American society. Street crime and the fear of it are changing the fabric (结构)of the society and forcing its citizens to change their traditional living patterns. No one dares to stay away from home at night; no one feels secure even in his or her own neighborhood. Background Information As early as l970, Richard Nixon, the then President of the United States, said in his State of Union Message, “I doubt if there are many members of the Congress who live more than a few blocks from here who dare to leave their cars in the Capitol garage and walk home at night.” And since then things have changed for the worse. According to the statistics compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the crime rate more than doubled in the US during the 1970s. Violent crime skyrocketed: the number of muggings (路劫) or r



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