六年级上册Unit 11 Shall we go to the theatre课件.ppt

六年级上册Unit 11 Shall we go to the theatre课件.ppt

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( 3 )询问事件发生的 年份 , 月份 , 日期 等 非钟点时间 只 能用 when ,而不能用 what time 。 例:约翰,你的生日是哪一天? When is your birthday, John? 我的生日是九月六日。 My birthday is September 6th. Lets learn cinema 音乐会大厅 theatre concert hall 电影院 戏院 enjoy the music 看戏 see a film 看电影 see a play 享受音乐 Shall we go to the theatre? Lets see a play. Lets practise Unit 11 Shall we go to the theatre? 湘少版·六年级上册 Lead-in Guessing: Where is it? Cinema What will you do on Saturday? New words theatre 剧院 call 打电话 plan 计划 idea 主意 play 戏剧 concert 音乐会 hall 大厅 film 电影 Lets listen and say Today is Saturday. Dongdong is calling Anne. Theyre talking about the plan for the day. Hello! Is that Anne? Yes. This is Anne. Shall we go to the cinema today? Well, its a good idea. Or shall we go to the theatre? A new play is on at Star Theatre. The time is 2:30 p.m. Its about a FAT CAT! A FAT CAT? Great! I know that play. What time shall we meet? 2:00 p.m. at Star Theatre. Lets go and see the play. All right. Language points 1. Theyre talking about the plan for the day. 他们正在谈论这天的计划。 这句话用到了现在进行时态 (be+ v-ing) 。 talk 意为“交谈,谈话”,着重强调 两者之间 的交谈。 talk about 的意思是“谈论”,后面接 谈论的内容 。 例:男孩们正在谈论《三只小猪》。 The boys are talking about Three Little Pigs . ( 1 ) tell 是及物动词。 常用结构: tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事 例:我的妈妈每天跟我讲一个故事。 My mother tells me a story every night. 辨析 tell, say 与 speak ( 2 ) say 侧重 说话的内容 。 例:我的老师说“我是一个好学生。” My teacher says “Im a good student.” ( 3 ) speak 为及物动词,强调 说的动作 ,侧重 说某种 语言 。此外 speak 还可用于较为正式场合发表演 讲或演说。 2. — Is that Anne? 你是安妮吗? — This is Anne. 我是安妮。 打电话时想询问对方(身份) 的句型: Is that…? 你是 ……? 打电话介绍自己时 的句型: 例:喂!我是张鹏。 Hello! This is Zhang Peng speaking. This is… 或 Its… 我是 …… 3. Shall we go to the cinema today? 我们今天去看电影,好吗? “Shall…?” 常用于第一人称表示征求别人意愿,意思是 “ …… 好吗?” 例:我们乘车去动物园好吗? Shall we go to the zoo by bus? 4. A new play is on at Star Theatre. 一部新戏正在星星 剧院上演。 be on 上映,上演 例:一部新电影将明天播放。 A new film will be on tomorrow. 拓展: be on 的其他意思 ( 1 ) 开着,亮着 例: The light is on. 灯亮着。 ( 2 ) 发生;举行 例: What on today? 今天发生了什么


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