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2014年考研英语阅读真题 Text 1 In order to “ cha nge lives for the better ” and reduce “ depe ndency, ” George Osbome,Cha nc of the Exchequer, introduced the “ upfront work search ” schobiessOnrlyve ttttethe job cen tre with a register for on li ne job search, and start look ing for work will they be eligible for benefit-and then they should report weekly rather than fortnightly. What could be more reas on able? 为了 “让生活变得更美好”以及减少“依赖” ,英国财政大臣乔治?奥斯本引入了“求职预付 金”计划。只有当失业者带着简历到就业中心,注册在线求职并开始找工作,才有资格获得 补助金一一然后他们应该每周而非每两周报告一次。有什么比这更合理呢? More appare nt reason able ness followed. There will now be a seve n- day wait for the jobseeker s allowa nee. “ Those first few days should be spe nt look ing for work, not look ing to sig n on. claimed. “ we re doing these things because wekthey help people say off ben efits and help those on ben efits get into work faster Help? Really? On first heari ng, this was the socially concerned chancellor, trying to change lives for the better, complete with “ reforms to an obviously in dulge nt system that dema nds too little effort from the n ewly un employed to find work, and subsides laz in ess. What motivated him, we were to un dersta nd, was his zeal for “ fun dame ntal fairness -protecti ng the taxpayer, con trolli ng spe nding and en suri ng that only the most deservi ng claima nts received their ben efits. 更加明显的合理性如下。现在领取求职者补贴要等待七天。 “这前几天应该用来找工作,而 不是办理失业登记(以获得救济金) 。”他说,“我们这样做是因为我们知道,这样会帮助人 们摆脱补助并让依赖补助的人尽快就业。 ”帮助?真的吗?乍一听, 这是位关心社会的大臣, 他努力改善人们的生活,包括对一个明显放纵的体系的“改革” ,这个体系不要求新失业者 付出多少努力去找工作,为其懒惰埋单。我们将会知道,激励他的是他对“基本的公正”的 热诚一一保护纳税人,控制花费以及确保只有最值得帮助的申请者才能得到补助金。 Losing a job is hurting: you don t skip dowic^trhe/jotb a song in your heart, delighted at the prospect of doubli ng your in come from the gen erous state. It is finan cially terrifyi ng psychologically embarrass ing and you know that support is mini mal and extraord in arily hard to get. You are now not wan ted; you support is minimal and extraord in arily hard to get. You are now not wan ted; you


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