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精品文档 剧名:阿甘正传( Forrest Gump )片段 演员: Forrest Gump( 阿甘 ) Mrs. Gump (阿甘妈妈) Doctor (医生) Man (路人) Lt. Dan (中尉) Louise (路易斯) Elderly Woman (老人) 。 1 欢迎下载 精品文档 (场景一)EXT. BUS STOP - PRESENT The man sitting on the bench listens to Forrest. An ELDERLY WOMAN sits next to the man. Forrest : ... and we were the only boat left ,standing "Bubba-Gump" shrimp's what they got. We got a whole bunch of boats. Twelve Jenny's, a big ol' warehouse, we even have hats that says "Bubba-Gump" on 'em. "Bubba-Gump Shrimp." It's a household name. 而我们的船是唯一剩下的了,他们只能来布巴甘这里买虾,我们购置了 一大堆船,有 12 条珍妮号,还有一个大仓库,我们还订做了帽子上面写着 “布 巴甘 ”,布巴甘捕虾公司,这名字家喻户晓。 Man : Hold on there, boy. Are you telling me you're the owner of the Bubba-Gum p Shrimp Corporation? 等等,小兄弟,你是说你就是 … ,布巴捕虾公司的老板? Forrest : Yes, sir. We've got more money than Davy Crocket. 对,我们挣了一大堆钱 Man : Boy, I've heard some whoppers in my time, but that tops them all. We was sitting next to a millionaire! 孩子,我听过很多牛皮,这是最大的一个,我们身边正坐着一个百万富 翁。 The man laughs as he walks away. Elderly Woman : Well, I thought it was a very lovely story. And you tell it so well. With such enthusiasm. 嗯,我觉得那是个很有趣的故事,你讲得真好非常热情洋溢。 Forrest : Would you like to see what Lieutenant Dan looks like? 你想看看丹中尉长什么样吗? Elderly Woman : Well, yes, I would! 是的,我想看 Forrest shows her the cover of a "Fortune" magazine with Forrest and Lt. Dan on the cover. Forrest : That's him right there. 这个就是他 The elderly woman looks at the magazine and at Forrest wi


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