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* dialects Oral traditions and expressions 优选文档 * Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe 优选文档 * Chinese traditional medicines Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe 《中医药创新发展规划纲要(2006-2020)》发布。到2020年,中国政府将建立国际认可的中医药标准规范体系。 优选文档 * 优选文档 * 6.2 RECOGNITION OF INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERIACE MANAGEMENT 对非物质文化遗产的承认 优选文档 * Japan was the first country to recognize the value of intangible cultural heritage, and it remains one of the few countries to legislate its protection.(1950) 动漫人物是文化遗产吗? 优选文档 * 优选文档 * 横纲是相扑的最高级别 优选文档 * The Korean Cultural Properties Protection Act of 1962 优选文档 * 优选文档 * Philippines 逐兽比赛 优选文档 * Thailand 优选文档 * 优选文档 * 优选文档 * 中世纪狂欢节 优选文档 * France 优选文档 * The recommendation on the safeguarding of traditional culture and folklore 《关于保护传统文化和民俗的建议》:(UNESCO1998) 1.Identification and inventory识别和资产清查 建立识别和记录系统;协调分类系统 2.Conservation保存 对非物质遗产进行硬件性的文化记录和储存 3.Preservation 维护 维护步骤包括:提供教育和研究机会 4.Dissemination 传播 必须采取措施传播 5.Protection 保护 应按照与保护其它知识财产相类似的方式加以保护 6.International cooperation 国际合作 不同民族寻求合作以避免非物质文化遗产减损价值、阻碍传播或导致毁灭 优选文档 * 6.3 INTANGIBLE HERITAGE ASSETS MANAGEMENT AND TOURISM ISSUES 不仅仅是民俗和文化表达,还包括: Living Human Treasures(人类的活财富) Performers and Artisans(表演者和工匠) Custodians and Religious Figures (保管人和宗教人物) 优选文档 * (1)Living Human Treasures 人类的活财富 东巴文化传人 优选文档 * * * * * Chapter 6 Intangible Heritage and Its Management 优选文档 * 6.1 INTRODUCTION Intangible heritage is traditional culture, folklore, or popular culture that is performed or practiced with close ties to “place” and with little complex technological accompaniment. 非物质文化遗产是传统文化、民俗、或者是与“地方”密切相连的、不需要复杂技术伴随即可表演或展开的通俗文化。 tangible culture----hard culture Intangible culture----soft culture 优选文档 * NUESCO’S definition of oral culture and intangible heritage “folklore (or traditional and popular culture) is the totality of tradition-based creations of a cultural community, expressed by a group or individuals, and recognized as reflecting the expectat


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