人教英语选修八抢分教程能力提升:nit Meeting yor ancetorection 含答案.docVIP

人教英语选修八抢分教程能力提升:nit Meeting yor ancetorection 含答案.doc

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Unit 5 Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The last decade has witnessed the____________(accelerate) in the rate of economic growth. 2.I didn’t understand the____________(significant) of her look. 3.Before going home, he always gets the message______(delete) from the phone. 4.This is an old vase________(date) back to the Ming Dynasty. 5.He failed again!If only he had________(have) more courage! 6.Oh, you have come at last!I have been________(wait) for you for two long hours. 7.The telephone has been________(ring) for almost a minute.Why doesn’t someone answer it? 8.—It was a pity that you missed the famous star yesterday. —If only I________________(not, return) to my hometown! 9.The direct flight has proved successful, ________(make) Taiwan another tourist destination for people on the mainland. 10.His efforts to improve the situation are to be________(applause). 答案 1.acceleration 2.significance 3.deleted 4.dating 5.had 6.waiting 7.ringing 8.hadn’t returned 9.making 10.applauded Ⅱ. 完成句子 1.These books are________________(很有助) to English learners. 2.I________________(厌烦) eggs for every meal. 3.The failure of the project was largely______________(由于) his carelessness. 4.Before making a great decision, we must____________(为将来打算). 5.Chinese civilization____________(追溯) thousands of years. 答案 1.of great help 2.am fed up with 3.due to 4.look ahead 5.dates from Ⅲ. 句型转换 1.A.He asked for a leave for the reason of tiredness from work. B.____________work, he asked for a leave. 2.A.After he finished the letter, he folded it and... B.________________the letter, he folded it and... 3.A.It is a pity that I haven’t passed the test. B.____________ I ____________the test. 4.A.Mr. Jackson was asked to go back to his office just when he got home after work. B.Mr. Jackson________just________home after work____________he was asked to go back to his office. 答案 1.Tired from 2.Having finished 3.If only;had passed 4.had;got;when/before [限时30分钟] Ⅰ. 阅读理解 A The


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