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PAGE1 / NUMPAGES1 8AUnit 6重点短语与句型 Phrases 1. go to the market to watch birds去市场观鸟 2. in north-east China在中国东北 3. provide food and cover for a lot of wildlife为很多野生生物提供食物和庇护所 4. all year round全年,常年 5. go there for a short stay去哪儿作短暂逗留 6. 40 per cent of them他们中的百分之四十 7. make the wetlands smaller使湿地更小 8. in order to为了 9. less and less space越来越少的空间 10. as a result因此 11. make laws to prevent all these things制定法律来防止所有的这些事情(发生) 12. record their types and changes in their numbers记录他们的种类和数量上的变化 13. understand the importance of the wetlands理解湿地的重要性 14. stop something from happening阻止某事发生 15. in other parts of the world在世界的其他地区 16. write down what you see写下你所看到的东西 17. wear a pair of comfortable shoes穿一双舒适的鞋子 18. walk a long way走很长的路 19. fly south for the winter飞往南方过冬 20. cover an area of占地 21. take a pair of binoculars带一副望远镜 22. make different bird sounds发出不同的鸟声 23. enjoy the natural world喜欢自然世界 24. become a member of the Birdwatching Society成为观鸟协会的成员 25. take part in activities参加活动 26. call me on打电话给我 27. email me at发邮件给我 Sentences 1.Somepeoplewanttomakethewetlandssmallerinordertohavemorespaceforfarmsandbuildings有些人想要使湿地更小,目的为了有更多的空间建农场、盖高楼。 2. The cold weather causes some birds to fly south for the winter.寒冷的天气导致有些鸟飞往南方过冬。 3. It is a perfect place to go birdwatching.它是一个观鸟的完美之地。 4. I think it is important for me to do something to protect them.我认为对我来说做些事情来保护他们是很重要的。 4. I will be very happy if I can become a member of your society.如果我能成为你们协会的一员,我会非常高兴。


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