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I 离合摇臂的加工工艺规程及钻Φ16孔夹具设计 摘要 夹具是零件加工的夹紧装置,是加工零件的一种必不可少的装置。夹具利用率高,经济性好,对功能组件的使用和数量少。随着零件的尺寸变化,越来越多的夹具被淘汰了,因此,设计一套专用夹具是十分有必要的。在设计专用夹具时要考虑工件的定位方案,工件的夹紧方案和设计夹紧机构,夹具的其他组成部分,夹具的结构形式等。 此次对离合摇臂的工艺规程及钻Φ16孔夹具设计,其零件为铸造,零件复杂的特点,由于面比孔易加工,在制定工艺规程时,就先加工面,再以面为基准来加工其它,其中各工序夹具都采用专用夹具,本次设计的专用夹具是对钻削Φ16孔进行研究。 设计之初我查阅相关数据及国内外关于机床夹具的文献,在看懂零件图的同时对零件的结构和工艺进行分析,明确粗基准和精基准的选择,确定零件的加工余量与毛坯的尺寸、从而确定零件的加工工艺过程、计算各工序的切削用量及工时。最终完成了本次设计所需的夹具。 关键词:离合摇臂、工艺规程、Φ16孔、钻削 Abstract Jig is the clamping device for parts processing, which is an essential device for processing parts. The fixture has the advantages of high utilization rate, good economy, and less use and quantity of functional components. With the change of the size of parts, more and more fixtures are eliminated. Therefore, it is necessary to design a set of special fixtures. When designing the special fixture, we should consider the positioning scheme of the workpiece, the clamping scheme of the workpiece and the design of the clamping mechanism, other parts of the fixture, the structure of the fixture and so on. The craftsmanship of the clutch rocker arm and the design of drill_16 hole clamp have the characteristics of casting and complicated parts. Because the surface is easier to process than the hole, when making the craftsmanship rules, the surface is processed first, and then the surface is used as the basis to process other parts. The clamp of each working procedure adopts the special clamp. The special clamp of this design is the drill. 16 holes are studied. At the beginning of the design, I consulted the relevant data and the domestic and foreign literature about the machine tool fixture, analyzed the structure and process of the part while reading the part drawing, made clear the choice of the rough datum and the precision datum, determined the machining allowance of the part and the size of the blank, thus determined the processing process of the part and calculated the cutting process of each working procedure. Dosage and working hour


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