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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Unit 4 Lesson 19? 00:00--01:13 Lesson 20??01:13--02:21 Lesson 21??02:21--03:20 Lesson 22??03:20--04:41 Lesson 23??04:41--05:30 Lesson 24??05:30--10:19 Lesson 19 Just read and talk There are twelve months in a year. 一年有十二个月 January is the first month. 元月是第一个月 The first day,Janary 1st, is called New Year\\\\\\\\'s Day. 元月的第一天 元月一号 被称作元旦节 People have a holiday and they celebrate New Year\\\\\\\\'s Day. 人们有个假期来庆祝元旦节 February is the second month of the year. 二月是一年中的第二个月 In China, Spring Festival is usually in January or February. 在中国 春节通常就在元月或者二月 Now people call it Chinese New Year. 现在人们叫它中国新年 For Chinese New Year, all people in China have a holiday. 为了过中国新年 所有中国人都有假期 They go back home to celebrate the festival with their families. 他们回家去和家人庆祝这个节日 On the eve of the festival, people usually have dumplings. 在春节前夜 人们会吃饺子 People in the sounth of China have rice cakes. 中国南方的人会吃米糕 They all enjoy the festival at home. 他们都在家享受这个节日 Lesson 20 Let\\\\\\\\'s chant Today is a sunny day. 今天是晴朗的一天 We can play all the way. 我们一路上都可以玩 Let\\\\\\\\'s play by the bay. 我们在海湾玩 We are happy all the day. 我们一整天都很开心 Today is a sunny day. 今天是晴朗的一天 We can play all the way. 我们一路上都可以玩 Let\\\\\\\\'s play by the bay. 我们在海湾玩 We are happy all the day. 我们一整天都很开心 Lesson 21 ?Just read and talk March is the third month of the year. 三月是一年中的第三个月 People can see green trees and green grass everywhere. 人们可以看到到处都有绿色的树和绿色的草 In China, Tree Planting Day is on March 12th. 在中国 植树节是在三月十二号 People plant trees on that day. 人们会在那天种树 They want to stop the sand on windy days and make the air clean. 他们想要阻拦住刮风天飞扬的沙土 让空气变得干净 They want to make the country greener. 他们想要让这个国家都变得更绿 April is the fourth month of the year. 四月是一年中第四个月 Easter is in March or April. 复活节是在三月或者四月 It is always on a Sunday. 它总是在周日 For school children in America, 在美国 为了学校的孩子 the Easter holidays are a week long. 复活节的时候有一周的假期 During Easter, children get colourful Easter eggs. 在复活节期间 孩子们会得到五颜六色的复活节彩蛋 Lesson 22 Let\\\\\\\\'s c


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