人教英语必修三抢分教程能力提升:nit 3 The Million Pond Ban Noteection 2 含答案.docVIP

人教英语必修三抢分教程能力提升:nit 3 The Million Pond Ban Noteection 2 含答案.doc

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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note Section Ⅱ Learning about Language & Using Language [随堂巩固] Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Using________(假的) notes will be punished. 2.This is a big________(议题).We need more time to think about it. 3.We all________(鞠躬) to the Queen. 4.The girl made out a loud________(尖叫声) when she saw the snake crawling up her leg. 5.The book is very interesting________(的确). 6.It’s r________of you to shout at your mother. 7.This is an e________of gases around the planet. 8.Large a________of soil are being washed away every year in this area. 9.It’s good m________to wait in line. 10.Please accept our g________wish. 答案 1.fake 2.issue 3.bowed 4.scream 5.indeed 6.rude 7.envelope 8.amounts 9.manners 10.genuine Ⅱ.短语选填 bring up; on the scene; go ahead; by accident; a large amount of; stare at; account for; on the contrary; seek for; take a chance 1.—Could I ask you a rather personal question? —Sure, ____________. 2.It’s not easy for her to____________the child. 3.She knocked the vase off____________. 4.Reporters were soon________________after the accident. 5.He could not____________his absence from school. 6.It’s rude to____________foreign people in the street. 7.Many farmers went to towns to____________employment. 8.I don’t dislike him at all;________________I am very fond of him. 9.____________________money is spent on tobacco every year. 10.Let’s________________.There may still be some tickets left. 答案 1.go ahead 2.bring up 3.by accident 4.on the scene 5.account for 6.stare at 7.seek for 8.on the contrary 9.A large amount of 10.take a chance Ⅲ.完成句子 1.________(至于) your hope of winning the first prize, I don’t know about that. 2.Even in New York there are still many people________(衣衫褴褛). 3.Come on!It’s not worth________(冒险) at all. 4.Don’t treat that old man________________(以粗鲁的方式) though he owes you some money. 5.________________(众所周知) the present American President Obama is a black man. 答案 1.As for 2.in rags 3.taking a chance 4.in a rude manner 5.It is well-known that Ⅳ.微表达 如



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