人教英语必修三抢分教程能力提升:nit 1 Fetival arond the ldection 1 含答案.docVIP

人教英语必修三抢分教程能力提升:nit 1 Fetival arond the ldection 1 含答案.doc

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Unit 1 Festivals around the world Section Ⅰ Warming Up, Pre-reading and Reading [随堂巩固] Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The leader was________(钦佩) for his great talent and sense of responsibility. 2.Zhou Xun was________(授予) the best actress for her excellent performance in Feng Sheng. 3.As is known to all,China is an________(农业的) country for thousands of years. 4.He g________all his strength and prepared himself for a second try. 5.I won’t forgive him unless he a________ to me first. 6.They were trapped in the mountain for many days and everyone was in danger of being s________ to death. 7.No one can go out of the yard without the headmaster’s________(允许). 8.She is a________(虔诚的) Christian and goes to church every week. 9.It is________(明显的) that she doesn’t care what others think of her. 10.People have given up the________(信任,信仰) in his honesty. 答案 1.admired 2.awarded 3.agricultural 4.gathered 5.apologizes 6.starved 7.permission 8.religious 9.obvious 10.belief Ⅱ.短语选填 beyond belief, dress in red, as if to say something, what fun, play a trick on, take place, in memory of, look forward to 1.No one likes to________________(被戏弄). 2.The museum was built________________(为了纪念……) the famous artist. 3.Great changes________________(发生) in China since the 29th Olympic Games and Shanghai Expo. 4.We are________________(盼望) seeing you again. 5.I find his behaviour________________(令人难以置信). 6.He opened his mouth________________(好像要说些什么). 7.________________(真有趣) it is to play with snow! 8.The girl________________(穿红衣服) is my sister. 答案 1.be played a trick on 2.in memory of 3.have taken place 4.looking forward to 5.beyond belief 6.as if to say something 7.What fun 8.dressed in red Ⅲ.完成句子 1.If food doesn’t reach the city they will ____________________.(starve) 如果食物不能运到那座城市,他们就会饿死。 2.Medals ____________ the best speakers on the debating team.(award) 奖章授给辩论队中的最佳演说者。 3.I ________________________________________________________________________ his success in business.(admire) 我佩服他事业有成。 4.She ____________ her co



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