人教英语必修三抢分教程能力提升:nit 4 Atronomy:the cience of the tarection 1 含答案.docVIP

人教英语必修三抢分教程能力提升:nit 4 Atronomy:the cience of the tarection 1 含答案.doc

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Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars Section Ⅰ Warming Up, Pre-reading and Reading [随堂巩固] Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.This________(理论) helps to explain how animals communicate with each other. 2.The final cost could be as much as two________(十亿) dollars. 3.The________(猛烈的) winds buried the village in sand. 4.Across the________(地球), sea level varies by hundreds of feet. 5.An________(原子) is so small that we can not see it. 6.Smoking is________(有害的) to health,but some people cannot get rid of it. 7.Can you tell me when it came into________(产生)? 8.The new owners have tried to give the restaurant a more family-friendly________(气氛). 9.________(氧气) is a kind of gas which is necessary for most animals and plants to live. 10.I was surprised by the________(出席) of so many people at the meeting. 答案 1.theory 2.billion 3.violent 4.earth 5.atom 6.harmful 7.being 8.atmosphere 9.Oxygen 10.attendance Ⅱ.用所给短语的适当形式填空 in time, lay eggs, give birth to, do harm to, prevent...from..., exist on, in one’s turn, it is one’s turn 1.She____________a lovely baby, which made her husband very happy. 2.The purpose of the safety belt is to____________the drivers______being injured when an accident happens. 3.The coach will, ____________, teach these students how to drive a car. 4.Keep on trying, and you will succeed____________.We all trust you. 5.Hens____________while cocks don’t-this is a natural rule. 6.After a long time wait, ____________to learn how to drive. 7.Sometimes, doing exercise violently____________health. 8.These families mainly____________their poor wages. 答案 1.gave birth to 2.prevent;from 3.in his turn 4.in time 5.lay eggs 6.it was her turn 7.does harm to 8.exist on Ⅲ.完成句子 1.Air pollution will get worse and this____________;for example,it can cause cancer.(harmful) 空气污染会加剧,而且这会对人们造成危害,例如,它可以引发癌症。 2.____________________________________ deliver a speech in public.(turn) 轮到我在公众面前发表演讲了。 3.__________________________________________ that he seems a pleasant man.(what引导主语从句) 给我印象最深的是他看上去和蔼可亲。 4.The pop



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