人教英语必修三抢分教程能力提升:nit 2 Healthy eatingection 1 含答案.docVIP

人教英语必修三抢分教程能力提升:nit 2 Healthy eatingection 1 含答案.doc

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Unit 2 Healthy eating Section Ⅰ Warming Up, Pre-reading and Reading [随堂巩固] Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Children show________(好奇心) about everything. 2.Mr. Wang is one of the regular________(顾客). 3.How do you manage to stay so________(苗条的)? 4.The old man likes eating________(生的) vegetables. 5.My mother is always the perfect________(女主人). 6.It’s important to know your own________(弱点). 7.She could feel her skin beginning to________(烘烤). 8.They were selling everything at a________(折扣). 9.The ability to keep calm is one of her many________(长处). 10.We should try to keep the________(平衡) of nature. 答案 1.curiosities 2.customers 3.slim 4.raw 5.hostess 6.weaknesses 7.roast 8.discount 9.strengths 10.balance Ⅱ.短语选填 tell a lie, lose weight, win...back, on a diet, out of curiosity, get away with, lose one’s balance, ought to 1.Judging by his expression,he________just now. 2.Don’t________when you stand on the beam. 3.If you want to keep slim,you have to be________. 4.Alan went to see the strange man more________than anything else. 5.The floors________be washed at least every two days. 6.How did he________cheating? 7.You’re too fat,and you’d better________. 8.He is working hard to________his reputation________. 答案 1.told a lie 2.lose your balance 3.on a diet 4.out of curiosity 5.ought to 6.get away with 7.lose weight 8.win;back Ⅲ.完成句子 1.I’m ____________ next week and hope to lose some weight before Christmas.(diet) 我打算下周节食,并且希望在圣诞之前能够减轻一些体重。 2.You have to__________________________ the disadvantages. (balance) 你不得不权衡好生活在大城市的利与弊。 3.If you place orders now, we would ___________________________. (discount n.)如果你现在订购,我们会给你打九五折。 4.John strongly hopes to __________________________________.(win) 约翰强烈希望能重新赢得他父亲对他的爱和信任。 5.If you cheat in the exam _________________________________.(get) 如果你考试作弊,你将不会逃脱惩罚的。 答案 1.going on a diet 2.balance the advantages of living in a big city against 3.give you a 5% discount 4.win back his father’s love and trust 5.you’ll never get away with it Ⅳ.课文语法填空 Wang Peng felt 1.___________



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