人教英语必修三抢分教程能力提升:nit 1 Fetival arond the ldection 2 含答案.docVIP

人教英语必修三抢分教程能力提升:nit 1 Fetival arond the ldection 2 含答案.doc

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Unit 1 Festivals around the world Section Ⅱ Learning about Language & Using Language [随堂巩固] Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Please________(提醒) me to write to my mother tomorrow. 2.It is cruel to________(淹死) the cat in the river. 3.You should________(道歉) to your teacher for coming late. 4.We can’t take photos here without________(允许). 5.It is________(明显的) that he hasn’t known the truth. 6.Please________(原谅) me for what I have said to you. 7.You can’t________(愚弄) me!I don’t believe you. 8.When I came in,a woman was________(擦) the table. 9.He couldn’t say a word because of his________(悲伤). 10.The girl is________(哭泣),for she has lost her doll. 答案 1.remind 2.drown 3.apologize 4.permission 5.obvious 6.forgive 7.fool 8.wiping 9.sadness 10.weeping Ⅱ.用所给单词或短语的正确形式填空 turn up, keep one’s word, drown, obvious, wipe, set off, hold one’s breath, apologize, remind, forgive 1.He________________, not daring to make any sound. 2.We waited for an hour, but he didn’t____________. 3.The businessman was known for___________________. 4.The first atom bomb was____________over Hiroshima. 5.I should __________ to all of you for keeping you waiting so long. 6.If you can keep your head above water, you won’t ______. 7.Our teacher__________us how important it was to be polite to others. 8.She________him for his thoughtless remark. 9.Please________the table with a dry cloth. 10.It is________that Tom is in debt to his boss. 答案 1.held his breath 2.turn up 3.keeping his word 4.set off 5.apologize 6.drown 7.reminded 8.forgave 9.wipe 10.obvious Ⅲ.完成句子 1.John ________________ and wondered what would happen next.约翰屏住呼吸,不知道下面要发生什么事。 2.—Tom works very hard. ——“汤姆学习很刻苦。” —________________. ——“确实是。” 3.______________ you have enough time to do so much work. 我想知道你是否有足够的时间去做那么多工作。 4.________________, please.I’m trying to connect you. 请别挂电话,我在尽力给您接通。 5.He is late again.________________ that this time our teacher is really angry with him. 他又迟到了。显而易见,这次老师确实生他气了。 答案 1.held his breath 2.So he does 3.I wonder if 4.Hold on 5.It is obvious



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