总结m4u2 新外研版七年级下册.ppt

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * M4 Life in the future Unit2 Every family will have a small plane. 优选文档 * 1. / r?uz / 2. / l?nd / 3. / m??i:n / 4. /rein / 5./r?ub?t/ 6./ si: / 7. /speis / 8./ tr?f?k / 9./ d??m / 10./ w?nd / 11 ./ tru? / 12./ ba?k / rose(rise过去式),玫瑰花 land 陆地 machine 机器 rain 雨;下雨 robot 机器人 sea 海洋 space 太空,空间 traffic 交通 jam 堵塞;拥挤 wind 风 true 真的,真实的 bike 自行车 Let’s spell the new words together! 优选文档 * 13./ kɑ: / 14./ t?i:p / 15./ evrihw?? / 16./ ?ntu? / 17./ l?? / 18. /hevi / 19 ./ la?t / 20./ i:zi / 21./ w?:k?? / 22./ au?/ 23./ ??:t / 24./ ra?z / car 汽车,轿车 cheap 便宜的 everywhere 到处 into 进入……里面 long 长的 长时间的 heavy 重的,沉的 light 轻的,轻松的 easy 容易的 working 有关工作的 hour 小时 short 短的,短暂的,矮的 rise 升起;上升 Let’s spell the new words together! 优选文档 * Imagine the life in the future and talk about it. Weather Clothes Jobs Travel 优选文档 * Read and then match the paragraphs with the headings. (读,然后配以标题的段落) Weather Clothes Jobs Travel Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D 优选文档 * Step3 Check the true sentences. 1.People will change clothes when they’re cold in the future.( ) 2.There will be heavy rain and wind in the future.( ) 3. The weather will get cold all year. ( ) 4.The sea level won’t rise. ( ) 5.There will be a small plane in every family. ( ) F F F T T won’t hot will 优选文档 * Step3 Check the true sentences. 6.The plane won’t travel into space. ( ) 7.A lot of people will travel by plane so maybe there will be traffic jams in the air. ( ) 8.People will do heavy and difficult jobs in the future. ( ) 9.People will have long holidays because working hours will be short. ( ) F F T T will Robots 优选文档 * Read Paragraph A 1.In the future, a change of weather won’t mean a change of clothes. (1)翻译: (2) Make a sentence with mean:_______________________________ 2.They’ll be warm when we’re cold ,and cool


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