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2012 Summer Olympic Games In London Content ? Vocabulary ? The Beijing Olympic Games ? Londons Olympic bid success ? Detailed introduction ? Expectations Vocabulary 1. mascot 吉祥物 英 [m?sk?t] 美 [m?sk?t] The mascot of modern culture s a vector, but also to the Chinese traditional festival will be a new idea. 2. slogan 口号 英 [sl?ug?n] 美 [slog?n] a favorite saying of a sect or political group [ 同 ] catchword , motto , shibboleth , slogan 3. emblem [‘embl?m] n. 象征;徽章;符号 vt. 象征;用 符号表示;用 纹章装饰 4. comprehensive [,k?mprihensiv] adj. 综合的;广泛的; 有理解力的 n. 综合学校;专业综合测验 5. emission [i‘mi??n] n. (光、热等的)发射,散发;喷射; 发行 6. Paralympic [p?r?limik] n. 残奥会 7. committee [k?‘miti] n. 委员会 8.profoundly [pr?u‘faundli] adv. 深刻地;深深地; 极度地 9. embody [im‘b?di] vt. 体现,使具体化;具体表达 10. rapid [‘r?pid] adj. 迅速的,急促的;飞快的; 险峻的 n. 急流;高速交通工具,高速交通网 11. persistence [p?‘sist?ns, - zis -] n. 持续;固执; 存留 12. prototypical [,pr?ut?‘tipikl] adj. [ 计 ] 原型的;典 型的 13.innovation [,in?uvei??n] n. 创新,革新;新方法 14.dormant [‘d?:m?nt] adj. 休眠的;静止的; 睡眠状态的;隐匿的 15. vigor [‘viɡ?] n. 活力,精力 16. torch [t?:t?] n. 火把,火炬;手电筒;启发 之物 vi. 像火炬一样燃烧 vt. 用火炬点燃 17.ingravescence [,inɡr?ves?ns] n. 逐渐加 重,逐渐恶化;渐重期 The Beijing Olympic Games Inspiration August 8.2008 ,the Olympic Games held in Beijing, the games embodies the profound historical culture of china and the rapid development of modern science and technology .spread the Chinese formal state, friendly development purposes , to promote the development of Chinese culture and foreign exchange peaceful development. In the Olympic games, Chinese athletes work hard. Persistence won more gold medals. London Olympic bid success London Olympic games in July 27, 2012, 20 ,12 points opening , in the east


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