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学 海 无 涯 Sentence translation: 1. The main light source of the future will almost surely not be the bulb. It might be a table, a wall, or even a fork. 几乎可以肯定的说,未来的主要光源不会再是灯泡,而可能是桌子、墙壁,甚至是餐叉。 2. Moscow is the world’s most expensive city for the second year in a row, thanks to an appreciating ruble and rising housing costs. 由于卢布的升值和房价的提高,莫斯科已经连续第二年被列为生活消费最贵的城市。 【ruble:卢布 appreciate:增值、涨价】 3. A record number of Japanese people worked themselves to death last year despite a government campaign to ease the country’s notorious office hours. 日本人工作时间过长可谓“世界闻名” ,尽管政府发起“减负运动” ,但去年日本的过劳死人数 竟创下记录。 4. Multinational enterprises are those firms that produce and market their products in two or more countries. Now those sorts of companies dominate in the more capital intensive industries. 跨国公司指的是在两个或两个以上国家生产和销售自己产品的公司,现在这类公司在更多资 本密集型产业中占据了统治地位。 5. Men who are accused of never listening by women now have an excusewomen’s voices are more difficult for men to listen to than other men’s. 终于有一个理由来为从来不愿意听女人说话的男人们开脱了:女人的声音和男性的相比,比 较不容易被接受。 6. Girls who regularly eat breakfast, particularly one that includes cereal, are slimmer than those who skip the morning meal. 每天坚持吃早餐,特别是吃含有谷类食物早餐的女孩子比不吃早餐的女孩子身材苗条。 7. New York’s crowded quarters force restaurants to store trash indoors until it can be collected, providing rats with an indoor food source. 纽约房屋过于拥挤,导致餐馆垃圾无法及时运出,为老鼠在餐馆内寻找食源提供便利。 8. Research among youngsters has found 47 per cent feel unsafe being driven by their mother, compared with 39 per cent who feel unsafe with their father. 一项针对孩子们的调查发现,47% 的孩子坐妈妈开的车会感到不安全,39%的孩子坐爸爸开 的车会感到不安全。 9. Air and water pollution combined with widespread use of food additives and pesticides made cancer the top killer in China last year, according to a recent government survey. 最近,政府的一项调查显示,空气污染、水污染以及大范围使用食物添加剂和杀虫剂导致癌 症成为去年我国的头号杀手。 10. Divorce, i


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