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SKF HEAT No. TREATMENT,SUBCONTRACTING 1920 105E STANDARDS &PRACTICES MARTENSITE HARDENING OF Ed. Date Page BEARING COMPONENTS IN 11 2013-09 1(7) D33-Sw/P24 THROUGH HARDENING STEEL Comp: Issued Approved 分包商热处理要求淬透轴 承钢马氏体淬火 1. Scope 范围 This specification describes the requirements on subcontracted martensite through hardened bearing components. The specification is valid for all SKF through hardening bearing steels. 此标准为分包商业热处理技术要求,针对的是淬透轴承钢零件的马氏体淬火,适用于 SKF 所有淬透轴承钢。 The process parameters must be specifically chosen for each material and product to meet the product requirements. 对每一种材料、每种产品的热处理参数都要做出明确规定,以达到产品要求。 The selected process parameters and furnace equipments that were used at the approval of the component are frozen and may not be changed without new tests and following SKF ′s rules for process changes, ref.SKF Quality Standard for Suppliers 加工每种产品的热处理设备和工艺参数一经选定、批准后,必须冻结。需要修改时,要经过 试验后按照SKF 过程变更规则进行。 Deviations from this specification must be approved by responsible purchaser from SKF Sverige AB. 偏离本标准规定时,必须经过SKF 相关采购人员批准方可。 2. Equipment 设备 The Heat Treatment equipment must fulfill the following main criteria: 热处理设备必须满足以下主要要求: Give small variations in process data (to be verified by regular capability studies) 工艺参数变化小,要经过定期保障能力测评验证 No handling damages 不允许产生磕碰伤。 3. Process 工艺 The process data must be fixed for each component and may not be changed. The process data and each step in the process must be documented. The description of the process shall in general at least include the following steps: 每种零件的工艺参数都必须要固化,不允许改变。工艺参数和工艺步骤都要文件化。工艺文 件至少要包括以下工步内容:


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