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Taught by Zhou Meiqiu B/om Chengnan Middle Schod New PENSION English chinese Translation Skills 英次互译的技巧 、考查的题型 题型 题号题数计答题方式总时 IⅤ 分 分间 写A)英汉61~65510非选择 作互译 技 3535 能B)回答670510非选择 问题 C)情景 115非选择 一作文 、命题形式一 以一篇短文的形式出现, 将其中的5个句子划线, 进行英汉互译。 Dear dal Let s do Thank you for your email(66) Its wonderful to hear from you! Im so happy to hear that you have got your M.A. in education Congratulations! You are a good example to me. I must read a lot of books like you The university life is busy but interestin.(67)这里有来自世界各地的 Eri. As a monitor i have to do a lot of work. but being a monitor plays an important role in my university life.(68)it is interesting for me to take part in different kinds of after-school activities. I lik swimming best. It is really relaxing to swim in the swimming pool like a fish after class Do find a chance to come to china again(69)株洲发生了很大的变化 I will show you around the city (70)We can ride bicycles by the Xiangjiang River. I can cook the traditional Chinese food-dumplings for you I hope you are all well! i miss you all dearly


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