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商务笔译教程 UNIT 12 企业文化 Parl翻译任务 An insight into the Corporate Culture at Facebook Many pegging the great corporate culture as the reason Facebook has risen as high and fast as it has Company values The corporate culture at Facebook is firmly held up by the values that have choed throughout the company since its inception. The values are those that help ith the direction of every aspect in the company. From hiring, promoting, social activities and basically any other area which I havent mentioned. Because with the companies values, come its direction. Helping to make decisions and above else move the company forward while adhering to its overall mission Be bold Building great things means taking risks. We have a saying: The riskiest thing is to take no risks. In a world that s changing so quickly, you,re guaranteed to fail if you dont take any risks. We encourage everyone to make bold decisions, even if that means being wrong some of the time Focus on Impact To have the biggest impact, we need to focus on solving the mo important problems. It sounds simple, but most companies do this poorly and waste a lot of time. We expect everyone at Facebook to be good at finding the biggest problems to work on Move fast Moving fast enables us to build more things and learn faster. Were less afraid of making mistakes than we are of losing opportunities by moving too slowly. We are a culture of builders, the power is in your hands Be open We believe that a more open world is a better world. The same goes for our company Informed people make better decisions and have a greater impact, which is why we work hard to make sure everyone at Facebook has access to as much information about the company as possible Build social value Facebook was created to make the world more open and connected, not just to build a company. We expect everyone at Facebook to focus every day on how to build real value for the world in everythin Mission statement To make the world more open and connected


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