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通在 英语成功之路 打败一个永不放弃的人是不可能的! LOGO SINCE. 2010 Contents 〉发音口诀表-86页 3 LOGO 前元音 1. i] Please speak English With me 请和我说英语 2.[ It is not d fficult to speak English 说英语不难 3.Everything is ready 切都准备好了 4. ae Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧 LOGO 中元音 5.[A My mother is a wonderful teacher 我妈妈是一位非常棒的老师 6. [ 3: ]He speak pe fect English 他讲一口流利的英语 7.[e ]Rememb to call your mother 记得打电话给你母亲 8. [e]America and China should always work together中美应该携手合作 LOGO 后元音 9. a] Sorry to bother you 对不起,打扰了 10.[ ar You have a charming smile 你的微笑非常迷人 11.5A ways say please and thank you 要经常说请和谢谢 12.[5r] Its impo tant to practice English every day坚持每天操练英语是非常重要的 LOGO 后元音 13.[ u You should read as many books as possible你应该尽量多读书 14.[ H]Whats your favorite food? 你最喜欢的食物什么 My favorite is noddles 我最喜欢吃的是面条 LOGO 合口双元音 15.e] t be afraid of making mistakes 不要怕犯错误 16.[ al] ls this first time in China 这是你第一次来中国吗 17.3l really enj ed talking to you 你聊天我很开心 18.o he pe to see you again 我希望很快再次见到你 19.[ au Youre an outstanding teacher 你是一位杰出的老师 LOGO 集中双元音 20.[Ir]Its very important to have clear pronunciation 有清晰的发音是很重要的 21. Er We should all c e about the environment 我们都应该爱护环境 22.[ur] Im sure you will enjoy it 我相信你会喜欢的 LOGO 爆破音 23.[pI Nothing is impossible 没有什么不可能的 24.[b] Believe in yourself相信你自己 25.[t]Don t waste ime不要浪费时间 26. [d Let me know what you decide 让我知道你的决定 27.keep up the good work 再接再厉 28 Our government does a good job 我们的政府表现很出色 LOGO 摩擦音 29. f] I feel a little sick today 30[v When are you leaving? 31.[s]Don t be nervous, Relax! 32.[z Do you do a lot of business in china你在中国的业务多吗 LOGO


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