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. 初中英语中考复习资料大全 一名词 (一) 知识概要 名词的概念在不同的语法教课书中有不同的解释和分类方法, 但就实际应用来讲还是不要过分地追求其理论概念,而更多的要把 注意力放在其应用上来。我们不妨把它分为两大类:专有名词与普 通名词。顾名思义,专有名词是指:个人、事物、机关等所专有的 名称,如,the Great Wall, America…它们是不能随意变动的。而 普通名词中则包括个体名词,如 pen, worker…它表示单一的个体人 或事物;集体名词,如:family,class, team,它表示的是由若干个个 ??组成的集合体;物质名词,如:water,paper…它表示的是一种物 质,原材料;而后一种是抽象名词,如:work, time…它表示着一种在 实际生活中看不见、摸不到,但却与实际生活紧密相关的某些动作、 状态、品质的抽象概念。见下表。 名词一览表 种类 专有名词 London, John, the Communist Party of China 普 通 名 词 类 名 词 nurse, boy, worker, pencil, dog, table 集体名词 class, family, army, police, team, people 物质名词 water, steel, glass, cotton, wood, sand 抽象名词 happiness, love, work, life, courage, honest 功用 主 语 My family is now in New York. 表 语 His father is a scientist. 宾 语 We love our great motherland. 宾语补足语 He made London the base for his work. 定 语 The girls are making paper flowesrs. 状 语 The car cost him 1000 dollars. 同位语 Mr Brown, a famous scientist, will come here. 名词在使用中的难点在于名词的数,即可数名词与不可数名词的实;;[正]This is Marys dictionary.;[正]Please give me two glasses of water.;.;;;形容词来表示事物则要用作单数名词,如:The beautiful is still here.;.;way 则多为要到达某地所要经过的途径,还可引深为方式、方法。;;.;. 15 All the students are busy, so___ of them will go to the cinema.;. 音素是元音。要注意的还有 hour 因其第一个字母 h 不发音,所以应 该用 an hour。例如: I need an hour to finish the work. It is a useful dictionary. It is a European country. I bought a used car. [误]I need a umbrella because it looks like raining. [正]I need an umbrella because it looks like raining. [析]因 umbrella 的第一个音素是元音,所以应用 an.常用的情况 有 :an old man, an English teacher, an elephant, an idea, an hour ago, an honest boy…。;;.;They like to play bridge when they are free. (他们空闲时爱打桥牌);;.;;;.;;[误]Either you or I are right.;全体。;特指。请参考下表的用法以便于记忆。;[析]few 用于可数名词,意为几乎没有,但 few 作主语时谓语动;;;.;.;A few B many C more;.;;;;.;.;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;.;;;.;;;;;;;;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;;;;.;;;.;.;;;.;.;24;.;.;.;;;;;;;;;;coffee for us;;;;.;.;;.;;;. to write. ② 句中的宾语是不定式中动作的执行者,如:Could you find me a job to do? ③ 在形容词之后的不定式,如:English is difficult to learn.;;;;.;;.;.;;;;tomorrow.;;;


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