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promote the extensi on of strictly a dministeri ng the party grass -roots, but also the educati onal practi ce of the mass li ne of t he party a nd thr ee-t hree special education results a chieve d further inherited a nd ex panded. o re alize two a le arning educatio n is a ne cessary solution to t he present problems of party constr ucti on. Stre ngthe n pr oblem consci ousne ss a nd i nsiste d on pr oblem -orie nted, i s full of strictly admi nistering t he party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a succe ssful ex perience. S ecretary Wa ng noted t hat some party members still have political a warene ss, la ck of political re sponsi bility i ssue s, party awarene ss a nd consci ousne ss of t he pr oblem belief does not really believe , slim does not a ctual ly f ix problems, outspoke n, and jump on the asse ssment of the partys polici es, a nd soon. Bi Lifu Se cretary pointed out t hat a quarter of t he economic situati on is very serious, t here is pressure on e nvironment, seasonal fact ors and ot her obje ctive reasons, but mainly subjective probl em, is the problem of party members and ca dres. S ome de pressed, negative sla ck, not responsibl e, ... Double six, one, a nd tw o took t he lea d, buil d energy burst, Hong sha n di strict, e conomic prosperit y, eco-l ivable, civilize d and harmoni ous isla nd. It certainly can not be se parated from the whole area 646 grass-r oots party organi zations and 14,146 members of br oad partici pation and support. Throug h the two st udy a nd e ducation, so t hat every cell of the party healt h, every organizati on is strong , so t hat all member s of the va nguar d and exemplary role , all the fighti ng ba stion r ole of grass -roots party organizations i nto full play so t hat we can cross the Ra pids, overcome all difficulties a nd t he smooth reali zation of the T hirteen -Five goal. S econd, basi c lear ning, focus on learning e ducati on m ust understa nd t he lear ning conte nt and lear ning styl


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