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单选题: 21~60 题: 21. The patient was warned ____ oil food after the operation, but he wouldn ’t listen. A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating 小赵老师解析 : 答案 C,警告某人不要做某事: warn sb. not to do 或 warn sb. against doing 本题是蓝洋教育小赵老师主编的《转本题型一本通》 83 页上的例题的原题再现,原题为: 那个花匠刚才警告我不要在中午给花浇水。 The gardener warned me just now not to water flowers at noon. 22. Feeling something wrong with our car, we pulled over. Not until then ____ it had been badly damaged. A. did we find B. found C. we found D. we did find 小赵老师解析 : 答案 A, 否定词在句首,句子部分倒装。 本题是蓝洋教育小赵老师主编的《词汇结构一本通》 64 页例句的原题再现,原题为: eg: Not until twelve oclock did she go to bed last night. 昨天晚上她直到十二点才睡觉。 23. The girl was so ____ at her father ’s decision about her marriage that she had a bitten quarrel with him. A. disappointing B. disappointed C. delighted D. exciting 小赵老师解析 : 答案 B ,对她父亲的决定如此失望,和他大吵了一架。本题虽然形式上是 单词辨析题,但实际上是考查分词作表语的区别。 本题是蓝洋教育小赵老师主编的《词汇结构一本通》 53 页的例句的原题再现,原文为: 分词做表语: 现在分词( -ing )表示特性,表示主动 过去分词 (-ed)表示状态,表示被动 eg: His argument is very convincing. 他的论点很令人信服。 eg: We are convinced by his argument. 我们相信他的论点。 (被他的论点说服了。 ) 24. I don ’t think you can work out the math problem ____ the teacher ’s help. A. without B. unless C. because D. since 小赵老师解析 : 答案 A, without the teacher ’s help 没有老师的帮助无法解题。 the teacher’s help 是名词短语,所以应用介词,其他选项都为连词。 本题蓝洋教育小赵老师主编的《词汇结构一本通》 100 页上的考点再现,原题为: According to a poll, the majority would rather have newspapers without a government than a government without newspapers. 25. If you are unable to attend the meeting, for ____ reason, you should inform us in advance. A. whatever B. wherever C. however D. whoever 小赵老师解析 : 答案 A ,for whatever reason 不管是什么理由。 reason 是名词,所以前面 应该选 whatever. 本题是蓝洋教育英语阶段测试试卷(四) 26 题的考点再现,原题



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