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Type Ⅰ: Single choice (1 point for each, total 40 points). A B C D E 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 × 7 × 8 × 9 × 10 × 11 × 12 × 13 × 14 × 15 × 16 × 17 × 18 × 19 × 20 × 21 × 22 × 23 × 24 × 25 × 26 × 27 × 28 × 29 × 30 × 31 × 32 × 33 × 34 × 35 × 36 × 37 × 38 × 39 × 40 × Type Ⅱ: True or false ( 1 point for each, total 10 points). True False True False 1 × 6 × 2 × 7 × 3 × 8 × 4 × 9 × 5 × 10 × Type Ⅲ: Fill in blanks ( 0.5 point for each, total 10 points). ANSWERS 1 poor iron store, poor dietary iron intake, overdevelop, iron absorption disorder, iron loss 2 severe hypervolemia, hypertension encephalopathy, acute renal failure 3 Febrile seizure 4 energy, macronutrients, micronutrients, other dietary elements 5 血行播散 ,颅内隐匿病灶破溃 6 休克型, 脑型, 混合型 7 Serum lypase 8 Osmotic diarrhea Type Ⅳ: Questions and answers ( 23 points). ANSWERS 1 (1) Young age at time of first febrile seizure (2) Relatively low fever at time of first seizure (3) Family history of a febrile seizure in a first degree relative (4) Brief duration between fever onset and initial seizure 2 (1)ID: SF decrease, poor or absent of marrow iron (2)IDE: SF decrease, FEP increase (3)IDA: SF decrease, FEP increase, SI decrease, TIBC increase, TS diminished, hypochromic microcytic anemia. 3 (1)Physical growth: W 8 Kg,L 70 cm (2)Behavior development: fine motor—transfer;gross motor—sit without support personal-social—shy with strangers;language —babbling 4 Duration: 3~5days;Maculopapular rash Fever: temperature is higher Cough, coryza and conjunctivitis are more severe Other manifestations: Anorexia, malaise; Enlarged lymph node; Slight hepatomegaly and splenomegaly; Gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea and vomiting) Type Ⅴ: Case discussion (17 points) ANSWERS 1 (1)新生儿溶血症(ABO溶血) (2)胆红素脑病。吃奶及吸吮反射、颈阻、惊厥等 (3)子血清学:血型、直接抗人球蛋白试验、抗体释放试验、游离抗体试验 (4)蓝光照射、白蛋白、换血疗法、药物:碳酸氢钠、IVIG、酶诱导(鲁米那、可拉明) 2 (1)毛细支气管炎(Bronciolitis) (2)年龄,呼吸困难,肺部听诊闻及湿罗音、哮鸣音。(Age, laboured breathing, on auscultation there are crackles and wheezes (3)吸入湿化的氧气。(Humidified o


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