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PETS3 级历年真题听力 By Fred Qiu KINGHOME FLTC Part A 1. What does the man ask the woman to do A. To help him with his paper. B. To play with him. C. To go to see a play with him. D. To visit him tomorrow. 2. What will the two speakers do first A. Look for sports clothes. B. Move the desk. C. Paint the wall. D. Ask someone to help them move the desk. 3. When did the concert begin A. 7:15 B. 7:30 C. 7:50 D. 7:35 4. Why does the man want the woman to give up drinking A. Because he doesn ’t want the woman to relax. B. Because he thinks it is bad for her health. C. Because the woman is going to have a baby. D. Because it ’s a bad example to the children. 5. What does the woman mean A. Professor Zhang couldn ’t be in the lab. B. Professor Zhang forgot to turn off the lights in the lab. C. Professor Zhang went home a long time ago. D. Professor Zhang was the last one to leave the lab. 6. What does the man imply A. Jane will certainly be glad to hear about Bill ’s promotion. B. Jane has lost her job. C. Jane probably won ’t feel pleased with Bill ’s promotion. D. Jane should have got the promotion. 7. What does the man mean A. It is impossible for Toby to pass the exam. B. He doesn ’t know whether Toby will pass the exam or not. C. Toby will certainly pass the exam. D. Toby doesn ’t know the way to the classroom. 8. What does the woman say about the course A. It is more difficult than everyone says. B. It is not interesting at all. C. She doesn ’t believe the course is difficult. D. It is as difficult as everyone says. 9. How did the man travel A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By train. D. By car. 10. What



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