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学研教育专升本 PAGE 浙江专升本招考网:/index.php 专升本英语常考翻译必看 I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. His name will be remembered as the greatest dancer in modern China. 译文:他的名字将作为当代中国最伟大的舞蹈家二被人们所记住。 2. The policy of reform and opening-up has been supported by the whole people in our country. 译文:改革开放政策已得到全国人民的拥护。 3. In Afghanistan nowadays hundreds of thousands are homeless because of the war. 译文:现今的阿富汗由于战火,几十万人无家可归。 4. The new engine may use half as much oil as the old one. 译文:新发动机的油耗比旧发动机少一半。 5. The length of the laser tube was reduced ten times.译文:激光管的长度缩短到1/10。 6. The output of vegetables in this province was more than doubled last year. 译文:这个省的蔬菜产量比去年增加了一倍。 7. That’s the last thing I’d expect you to do.译文:这是我最不愿看到你做的事。 8. You cannot be too careful in doing this work.译文:你做这项工作越认真越好。 9. At that time, they could’t afford the ordinary comforts of life, not to speak of luxuries. 译文:那时他们连普通的生活用品都买不起,更不用说奢侈品。 10. Not all men have this opportunity.译文:并不是人人都有这样的机会。 11. Those who major in computer can not pay too much to their English study. 译文:计算机专业的学生对于我们的英语学习,无论多么重视都不过分。 12. Such a chance was denied the poor young guy. 译文:这个可怜的年轻人没得到这个机会。 13. It was beyond his power to sign such a contract.译文:他无权利此合同。 14. Carelessness usually results in mistakes.译文:粗心大意通常导都会犯各种错误。 15. We should think more of the collective than thinking of yourselves. 译文:我们应该多考虑别人,少考虑自己。 16. Their views could not possibly be misunderstand.译文:他们的意见根本不会误解。 17. My memory fails me at this moment.译文:我一时想不起来。 18. It may be certainly said that the opening ceremony of Shanghai Expo 2010 was very successful. 译文:可以肯定地说上海世博会开幕式非常成功。 19. What I learned from my students changed my life as an English teacher. That is: I can learn a lot from my students. 译文:作为一名英语老师,我从我的学生那里学到的一切改变了我的生活,那就是:我个从学生那里学到了许多。 20. We can never speak without emotion of China’s development. 译文:一谈到我国的发展,我们总是激动万分。 21. His answer is beside the point.译文:他的回答文不对题。 22.I never hear a story but laugh.译文:我以听到这个故事就笑。 23. The P


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