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︵。︵ scarce scanner rotten round-trip reveal restriction resolve renew restlessness resort 稀少的 扫描仪 腐烂的 来回的,双程的 显示,透露,泄露 限制 决定,溶解,解决 使更新,续借,续费,复兴 坐立不安 求助,旅游胜地 ︵。︵ * 高中英语写作之推荐信 Letter of Recommendation ︵。︵ * 英语作文一般为写信,通常把它分为三个部分:开头,正文,结尾。所以在写作过程中一般分为三四段。分段是为了让结构变得更清晰,让阅卷老师一眼看出你的思路。也不要分太多段,因为要求的字数较少,分段太多会让文章看起来太散。 另外,作文写作要求100词左右,那么作文字数宜在90-120之间。 开头:一般要求开门见山,直入主题。点明写作原因,目的,背景等。 (至于开头要不要自我介绍,需要具体情况具体分析) 正文:一般按照要点扩展,尽量按照要点顺序展开。注意衔接词,以及使用亮点词汇和句式。 结尾:可以再次重申主题,也可表达期盼......主要根据具体题目判断。 ︵。︵ * 在推荐信的开头,常用以下词语和句子来表达“乐意推荐。。。到贵处。。。”之意。 ☆ I have much pleasure in recommending Mr.X to you. ☆ I am more than happy to have the opportunity to recommend Mr.X to you. ☆ It is a genuine pleasure and honor for me to recommend... ☆ I am writing this letter of recommendation at the request of Mr. ... ︵。︵ * 在推荐信的正文,主要陈述你为什么推荐那个人,他的优势长处在哪里。 首先引入: ☆There are many reasons that convince me ... would be the best people for this position. ☆From my perspective ,Wang Pengs ability will surely enable him to benefit your company a lot . 过渡词: first of all, firstly , secondly, In addition , additionally , whats more , moreover , most importantly, apart from... 常用语言手段: Not only ... but also ... ,定语从句,主语从句,强调句,so/such...that..., with复合结构...... ︵。︵ * 翻译小练习 1、他各科成绩优秀,是全面发展的好学生,已获得“优秀学生”称号。 He is an all-around student with excellent grades in all subjects, and moreover,he has been given the tittle of “Excellent Student”. 2、如果她被录用,我相信她的这个品质一定会让贵公司受益。 Such a quality, I believe , will enable her to benefit your company while admitting her. 3、他很有潜力,是个善于解决困难问题的男孩。 As a boy with great potentional , he is good at solving difficult problems . 4、他性格开朗,善于与人相处及组织各种活动,完全能够胜任俱乐部副主席这个职位。 He is qualified for the position of vice president of the club because with an out-going character ,he not only gets along well with others ,but also is skilled in orgnizing all kinds of activities. Such a quality, I believe , will enable her to benefit your company while you admit her. ︵。︵ * 5、他曾成功组织过类似的活


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