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学 海 无 涯 Every advance in communications technology is a setback the intimacy of human interaction. at B)from C)to D)for He saw the of his face in the mirror. image B)picture C)portrait D)drawing More than one in four American children are growing up in _ -parent homes. one B)alone only single 4. Subspecies are by markings on their wings. A)differentiated departed depreciated D)distanced 5. The first thing was to schedule a game with a similar team from a nearby town. 学 海 无 涯 begin take place on time C)alter the date for D)appoint for a date Both France and Germany claim to the territory. placed B)Laid lied put John his overcoat. moved B)removed washed off picked Economists expect people’s living standards to continue rising in the decades . aheadB)before C)forward D)front 9. The Renaissance was a(n) of unparalleled cultural achievement. 学 海 无 涯 time spell C)instance D)epoch The hours the children spend in their one-way relationship with television?people undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people. in which? on which C)when?????? D)that The children have grown accustomed looking after their grandparents. with B)to for on He the initiative by speaking first at the meeting wakes B)cakes C)takes D)makes 13. They slaughtered us. 学 海 无 涯 killed bothered destroyed the will of D)defeated completely It dawned on us that we were engaged in a sport, not in play. It was clear B)We came to understand We were forced to believe We were convinced Who walks away with most of the booty won’t be decided in labs or universities. stolen things B)patent fees C)profit D)support She read me a few from her new novel. distracts B)expects C)detects D)extracts 17. The old man put meat into the oven to for dinner. 学 海 无 涯 bake scorch C)roast D)heat The child has grown quite attached the country life after she spent the vacation with her grandma. with to C)on D)down So many directors , the board meeting had to be put off. were abs


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