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2006-2007 学年度辽宁省沈阳市沈河区期中检测卷 、单项填空( 20 分) ) 1.Give me a packet of please. I m hungry. s s ) 2.Keep out of the fire, It danger B.dangerous C.nice D.great ) 3.The cables ) 3.The cables A.connect to B.are connected to C.are connected D.connects ) 4. you help me to take the bag? A.Should B.Must C. Dont D.Can ) 5.You cross the road when the traffic lights are red. A.mustn t B.can t C.may not D.don t ) 6.I find hard to learn maths well. A.its B.it C.that D.this ) 7.Do you think the story ? A.to excite B.excites C.exciting D.excited ) 8.A poem is a story. A.similar to B.different from C.the same with D.better than ) 9.I dont know his girl friend is. A.who B.whose C. that D. who s ) 10.These picture books are . A.their B.they C. them D. theirs ) 11.I can t eat up the big apple. Give me a small A.it B.ones C.one D.its ) 12. the light when it is bright. A.Turn on B.Turn off C.Turn up D.Tnrn down ) 13.Some factories dirty water rivers. A.make …into B.go …into C.pure …into D.pure …down ) 14.I have good friends. I feel very happy. few B.a few C.little D.a little ( )15. eggs are there in the fridge? How much B.How many C. How old D.How ofte n ( )16.My classmates me to be the member of the team. let B.elected C.made D.had ( )17.We to talk about it at the next time. made a decisi on B.made fun C.made a mistake D.made a face ( )18.0ur English teacher has in teaching English. She teaches well. A.m oney B.books C.help D.experie nee ( )19.My mum suggests that I drink much milk every day. A.must B.may C.should D.ca n ( )20.Childre n sleep nine hours a day. A.ought to B.ought C.oughtn t D.oughtn t to 二、完成对话(5分) TOMY Excuse me. Are you San dra Li? SANDRA 1 TOMY I m Tony Liang. I m in Grade Eight. Weare publishing a newspaper this year, and I m the sports editor. SANDRA 2 How can I help you, Tony? TOMY Well, I d like to in terview you about the girls table tennis team, please. SANDRA Yes, all right. 3 TOMY Could we meet today after school? SANDRA No, 4 ,1


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